Steps to Update and Generate IR8S File

*The steps given below are to update and generate the IR8S form which you can use to claim a refund for excess CPF contributions or you can also release these forms to your employees so that they will have their copies. 

Part 1: Updating the IR8S Form

The system will automatically extract the necessary information for you on the IR8S form. However, please ensure to fill out any missing data accurately before proceeding to generate the IR8S Form.

Section A of the IR8S form

The information displayed in this section is based on the payruns done for the employee. If there are any monetary amounts given to the employee that are not included, you can update them in the IRAS opening balance. Refer to the guide here for detailed instructions.

Section B of the IR8S form

The information presented in this section is also derived from the salary processed for the employee in your payruns. However, if you need to update this information, you may follow these steps.

Updating the Employer Excess 

Step 1. Go to

Step 2: Click on

Step 3: Click on

Step 4: Select IRAS Employee Details

Step 5. Check and update the information as required under "Excess employer Contribution To CPF( d7)"

Step 6. Click on


Updating the Employee Excess

Step 1. Go to

Step 2: Click on

Step 3: Click on

Step 4: Select IRAS Opening Details

Step 5. Locate Employee Name and click it. Scroll down to Excess/Voluntary Contribution to CPF (g1-1) and update the value.


Step 6. Click on

Section C of the IR8S form

This section provides guidance on updating Section C of the IR8S form. Ensuring precise information is crucial for any potential refund claims related to excessive CPF contributions on your employees’ wages.

Step 1. Go to

Step 2: Click on

Step 3: Click on

step 4: Select IR8S option

Step 5: Select the employee name that you would like to extract the information. This list only shows employees who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Step 6. Update and fill in the form as required. The system will automatically extract the necessary information for you, but please ensure to fill in the information below:

Step 7. Click on


Part 2: Generating the IR8S Form

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on

Step 3. Select the option under Form/Export Type that you would like to generate.

There will be 3 options:

  • IR8S Form - will generate a PDF version of the IR8S Form
  • IR8S Export (XML) - will generate the format required for submission to the CPF board.
  • IR8S Form and IR8S Export (XML) - will generate both the PDF and XML formats.

Step 11. Select the employees to generate the IR8S form

Step 4. Click on

Step 5. Once the Form export has been generated, the records will be reflected under IRAS History. To view the details, click on the Form Type in blue. This will show you all the files

Step 6. Downloading IR8S Export File (XML) and IR8S Form (PDF)

  • To view and download the IR8S Export File (XML), click on the icon under Actions. The file, formatted in XML, will be downloaded. Please use this format for submission to the CPF board.
  • To view and download the IR8S Form (PDF format), click on to download for all selected employees or the icon to download for individual employees.


*Note: When generating IRAS forms, selecting the option to exclude excess CPF contributions will result in the Employer's Contribution amount in Section B of the IR8S form being subtracted from the amount in Item 7 of the IR8A form.

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