Reports - Monthly Detailed Report

The Monthly Detailed Report will provide you with a detailed report of the clocking in and clocking out of the staff.

Step 1: Click on Reports under Attendance

Step 2: Click onPicture15.png

Step 3: Under Picture16.png , state the date range of your report at


Step 4: (Optional) To refine your search based on the name of an employee/department/group


Step 5: (Optional) Tick on Picture19.png if you want to display weekend/weekday in your report

Step 6: (Optional) Click on Picture20.pngif you want to include deactivated employees in your report.

Step 7: (Optional) Click on Picture21.png if you want to display off and rest day as well in your report.

Step 8: Click on Picture22.png. The system will process the report and upon completion, you should see this.


Step 9: Click onPicture24.png so you can download the report.

Step 10: Once you click on "Save", you will be prompted to rename the report:


Step 11: Kindly rename and then click onPicture26.png

Step 12: Go to Picture27.png

Step 13: Under the Actions column, you can click on the Picture28.png to print/download the report or Picture29.png to delete the report

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