Reports - Leave Individual

The Leave Individual report allows you to view all the leave type and leave balance of a Staff or All Staff is entitled.

To see that, you need to do the following:

Step 1: Click onleave.png

Step 2: Click on reports.png

Step 3: Click on the leave_individual.png tab. You should see this page.


Step 4: (Optional) You can filter the list by selecting a department and also which year (default will be current year)


Step 5a: For Individual : Find the staff you want to see, click on the eye.png icon and the following table comprising all the entitled leave for this staff will appear in the following format. 



Step 5b: For All Staff: Change first the Show 10 entries to Show All entries and left of Employee ID tick the box to choose all Staff.


Next is to scroll down to the bottom of the page and lower right click 281.png



1) Upper right side there is search you can type in specific words, a Name or Leave Type


2) Each column in the table has this icon 284.png you can click it to arrange if Ascending or Descending order.

Step 6: (Optional) You can download or print the report by clicking the relevant

285.png buttons.


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