You need to use this report to see the leave balance of the employees. To generate this report, kindly follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Click on
Step 4: Select the type of leave you wish to checkClick on the down arrow and you will see the list of leave types.
Step 5: You can select all employees or specific employee at .
Step 6: Then select what you are querying for the leave balance, if Approved leave or Consumed (used) leave at
Step 7: (Optional) You can select the year of the query at . By default, the system will set the current year as the year.
Step 8: To start the generation of the leave balance, click on the button and the system will generate the report.
Step 9: Once the system complete the generation of the report, a row will appear. Click the View to see report or the delete icon to delete the report.