Steps to Generate the IR8A Form

*The steps given below are just to generate the IR8A form which you can use to check the data before submission or you can also release these forms to your employees so that they will have their own copies. If you are looking to do the direct submission kindly refer to this article: IRAS Direct Submission. A video is also available: IRAS Submission Video

Step 1: Click on ihvslkjfbsdf.png.

Step 2: Click on kjfgbdg.png.

Step 3: Fill in the necessary details below. Note that those with asterisks are mandatory.



Tax Year - Choose the correct tax year.

Form/Export Type - Choose IR8A Form from the dropdown.

Batch Indicator:

1. Original - If this is the first time you will generate and/or submit for the tax year

2. Amendment - After you have submitted to IRAS and you want to make changes, an amendment would need to be used.

Batch Date - Date file was generated (The current date will be displayed as a default)

Division/Branch name - Not required, but you can input if you have the information.

Value of Benefits-in-kind to be taken from Appendix 8A - Tick if you want to pull values from Appendix 8A instead.

Value of Share Option to be taken from Appendix 8B - Tick if you want to pull values from Appendix 8B instead.

Authorised person - Person for IRAS to contact.

Email - Email of Authorised person.
Designation - Position of Authorized person.

Phone number - Phone number of the Authorized person.

Step 4: Select the employees for whom you would like to generate the IR8A form. Tick the box next to the name of the staff.


Step 5: Click on sijfbsdfgjbfdg.png

Step 6: After the file has been successfully generated, you will have the option to release it to the staff (for the Employee IR8A Form). Do this by clicking on the uhfdsufsd.pngicon.


Alternatively, you can also download the files by clicking on the icon for each staff.

Step 8: To download the XML file to be submitted to IRAS, kindly click on ijfgslksd.png. You can also delete when you click on gtdghfgh.png


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