What to do if company rehired an employee

There are instances when a staff has left the company and was rehired. Most of the time, administrators will have some confusion on what to do regarding the staff's information in the system. This article will state the two options that can be taken in relation to the Leave and Payroll modules.

-> if subscribed to Payroll module only, please look into the Payroll options in the article

-> if subscribed to Leave module only, please check the Leave options in the article

-> if subscribed to both Payroll and Leave, the priority is Payroll options.


  • Re-use staff's old profile and update Joined Date (remove cessation date)

If this option is taken, any previous payruns conducted within the Payroll module will not be included in the IR8A form generated from the system. The IR8A form will only include data based on the new Joined Date within the tax year.

  • Re-use staff's old profile and keep the old Joined Date (remove the cessation date)

This option will be useful particularly if the staff was rehired within the same financial year as the cessation date. Any payruns conducted in the previous period of employment will be included in the IR8A form.


  • Re-use staff’s old profile

If the company has decided to re-activate and re-use the staff’s old JustLogin Profile, here are the details that need to be checked for updates. 

A. The Admin needs to update the Join Date to the new employment Start Date. Opening Balance should automatically be updated based on the Company Policy (Earned Leave vs. Entitlement).


B. Make sure that details in the Entitlement and Details page are updated too.


Note: If there were Adjustments made from the staff’s previous employment period with the company, this needs to be reversed as well to make Adjustments equal to 0. In addition, leave applications from previous employment will still be visible on the staff’s records.

  • Create a new profile

If the company prefers to create a new profile, the system will be a clean slate and will not reflect any previous balance from the staff’s previous employment period with the company. No adjustments needed to be done.


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