If your Company allows you to request Off-in-Lieu for the overtime you have worked for, you can submit your request either thruough the web or the mobile app.
Step 1: Login to the account. Go to .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on .
Step 4: Fill out the necessary details and click Send Request to submit.
Step 5: On the same page, you will also see your requested Off-In-Lieu history and its status.
Mobile App
Step 1: Log in to your account in the mobile app.
Step 2: Go to More Menu.
Step 3: Click on Request Off-in-Lieu.
Step 4: Fill out the necessary details. Select the leave type you wish to receive the credit from in the dropdown options.
Step 5: Choose the date/s of the overtime you have rendered.
Step 6: Indicate the total hours of the request.
Step 7: (Optional) You can add some remarks.
Step 8: Click on Send Request.
You will get a confirmation that the Off-in-Lieu application has been successfully submitted.
Note: OIL request history and status can only be viewed on the web.