How can Users add documents in eStaff

If your company allows users to upload documents on your eStaff module, please read through this article to learn how to do so:

NOTE: This has to be done on the Classic Interface of your JustLogin account

Step 1: Log in to your account

Step 2: If you are on the Express Interface, click on your name and choose switch to Classic from the drop-down menu:


Step 3: Once you have switched to the Classic Interface, please click on mceclip1.pngat the top portion of your screen

Step 4: You will be brought to the mceclip2.pngpage

Step 5: Click on mceclip3.pngYou will be brought to the page similar to below:


Step 6: Click on mceclip5.pngto choose the file you would like to upload from your computer.

Step 7: You can input a brief description of the file you are uploading into the "Description" field

Step 8: Click on mceclip6.png

Step 9: You will know that the upload has been completed if you see the file in the upper right area:


Step 10: You can remove the file by clicking on the mceclip8.pngicon

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