How to add Voluntary Contributions


The payroll admin can use the system to add in Voluntary contributions except CPF, CDAC, SDL, SINDA, ECF, and MBMF in the system to be included in the payrun. If you add a voluntary contribution, it will also show on the pay elements page on payroll. The difference between creating a pay element and adding voluntary contribution is that for voluntary contribution, you can indicate if the contribution is from the employee or the employer.


Step 1: Head over to PAYROLL.png

Step 2: Choose configuration.png

Step 3: Click on payroll_2.pngtab at the top

Step 4: Choose voluntary_contribution.pngsub-tab. This is where the admin can create a voluntary contribution

Step 5: Complete the Element ID, Element Name, and choose whether it is an Employee or Employer Contribution.


Step 6: Click on add.png


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