How to Configure Payroll?

The article below covers each step that's needed to be done to fully configure your Payroll module. Click on the link provided to see the detailed guide for each step


Step 1: Complete the Company Details - Company Details

Step 2: Setup the General Configuration for Payroll. This includes settings for fortnightly payruns, AW calculation limit and notifications - General Configuration

Step 3: (Optional) Create Cost Centres - If your company has cost centres that need to be assigned to the staff, please refer to this guide - Cost Centres

Step 4: (Optional) Set up GL Account Codes - GL Account codes can be used if you are using accounting software, that can help to keep track of the expenses, reimbursements, or cash on hand. - GL Account Codes guide

Step 5: Create Designations - Under the Employment Act, all employees must be given a designation title as well as scope of work and other work-related information - Designations

Step 6: Input reasons for Salary Increments - to help you keep track of the reasons for the increments in your staff's salary - Salary Increment

Step 7: Setup different Work Calendar - Work Calendar

Step 8: Specify OT rates - OT Rates

Step 9: Define the company's pay elements - Pay Elements

Step 10: Choose the Payslip Format your company will be using. This also includes uploading the company logo - Payslip Format

Step 11: (Optional) Input the AW/OW opening balance. The AW/OW Opening Balance is an optional page for clients who just starteed using Justlogin but does not wish to do a run of past months' payroll. - AW/OW Opening Balance

Step 12: (Optional) Create and Assign User Profiles. You can assign someone as a Payroll admin for a certain group and limit what they can or cannot access within the system. - User Profiles 


*To watch a video for Payroll's Configuration, click here

*To learn how to do a payrun - please click here


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