How to Indicate HRDF Calculation on Pay Element

Most of the system-generated Pay Elements in the Payroll module are already configured based on the HRDF policies, in terms of HRDF calculation.  
If your company has created additional Pay Elements and you would like the system to include these for HRDF calculation, please follow the steps below: 

Step 1: Log in to the account. 

Step 2: Go to sfbdsfgbdfg.png.  

Step 3: Click on usfgsdogif.png.

Step 4: Select isduvbfsif.pngtab at the top. 

Step 5: Click on doiunofg.png sub-tab. You will see the list of Pay Elements available on the account. 

Step 6: Look for the Pay Element that you’d like to include in the HRDF calculation and click on the sidfvsikdf.png  under the Actions column.

Step 7: Put a tick on the HRDF box in the Criteria section.


Step 8: Click iobfspoifdsf.png to save your settings. 

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