My Leave - Apply Leave (Consecutive and Non-Consecutive Days)

You will have the option to apply for leave either through the web or from the mobile app. Below are step-by-step process on how to apply consecutive and non-consecutive days. 


Step 1: Once logged in to to your account, go to leave.png .

Step 2: Select dashboard.png .

Step 3: Click on apply_leave.png .

Step 4: Select the leave type you wish to apply:


*The current balance will show on the right side as seen on the screenshot above.

Step 5: Select the Leave units – You can apply leave in Days or in Hours (if this is enabled in your company setting).


Step 6: Under the Leave period - select the date/s and click apply.png .


Under Leave details, you can select the dropdown to indicate whether it is a half day or full day leave.


Step 7: Once you have selected the date/s of your leave, you will have an option to notify a colleague. You can either click on the dropdown to select the name/s or click the “Add person via email” to manually key in the email address. 

NOTE: Use a semicolon ( ; ) to separate multiple email addresses


Step 8: Add a remark in the “Remarks field” if needed.


Step 9: Attach a file when necessary. Skip if not required.

Step 10: Depending on your Recommending/Approving Officer setting, whether RO/AO has been pre-assigned or if you need to select from the options.

Step 11: Click the Submit button below. 


Once successful, you will receive this confirmation message:


Non-consecutive Days

There may be instances when you need to apply for leave on non-consecutive days and normally, this will need to be applied for separately. The system can now accommodate this scenario.

NOTE:  Follow the same steps 1-5 above, the only difference is the step 6. Steps 7-11 are the same as above, as well.

Step 6: Under the Leave Period, select the first and last day of your leave as shown below:

e.g.: I have selected dates from September 22 until September 30, 2022 as highlighted in blue, then click apply.png.

The total number of days applied will be shown on the right side of the leave period:


Under Leave details, select the dropdown option to indicate whether it is a half day or full day leave. You have the option to delete any date/s not applicable, by simply clicking on the trash icon to the right.




Step 1: Log in to the Mobile App.

Step 2: Click on the “+” button as shown below.


Step 3: Click on Apply Leave.


Step 4: The following screen will appear as shown below:


Step 5: When required, click Attachment and the app will prompt you for the source of the file.


Step 6: Find the file/s you wish to use and select which one/s to attach.


Step 8: Once you have attached the file, a small photo will show as Attachment. If you wish to delete the attachment, click on the trash icon.


Step 10: Click “Submit” to submit the leave application.




Follow steps 1-3 above, the only difference is step 4. Steps 5-10 are the same as above, as well. 

Step 4: Under the Leave Period, select the first and last day of your leaves as shown below:

e.g.: I have selected dates from October 17 until October 21, 2022, as highlighted in blue, then click86.png.


Under Leave details, select the dropdown option to indicate whether it is for half day or full day leave. Click the trash icon to the right to delete any date/s not applicable.


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