- Malaysia OT Policies: Automatic OT4 Calculations
- Overtime (OT) Allowances
- Attendance Lite - Administration and Configuration Guide
- JustLogin Integration with Microsoft Teams
- Employees added remarks when they clocked in, where can I find it on the report?
- How to Verify if the Geofencing Alert is Valid
- How does the system calculate OT for Public Holidays and Rest Day?
- How to Allow Staff to Edit Clock In/Out Information
- How does Grace Period and Rounding Policy affect the OT hours
- What happens when a location or project is assigned to an employee during and after the clock in/out?
- What are the factors to consider when calculating attendance hours (Actual hours, OT1, OT2, OT3, Lateness, Under hours)
- Why can't I transfer the clock data to Payroll even if OT policy is set correctly?
- Why are employees unable to edit their clock ins/outs even if it is set under Configurations that employees are allowed?
- Unscheduled Clocking Notification
- How the System Calculates the No.of Days on Attendance Reports
- Attendance Module Definition
- Early Clock-In Notification
- Different Attendance Notifications and the Triggers
- Steps on how Approving Officer Approve the Attendance Timesheet of the Staff via email
- Updating Next Day Clock In/Out
- Timesheet Action History
- How to Unassign/Delete shift Assigned to Staff
- How to Approve Employee Timesheet
- How Does Group Admin submit Employee Timesheet
- How does the Option on Attendance Configuration "When on Leave" works if the employee is on Full or Half day leave?
- Understanding How Hours Per day and Hours Per half day on Attendance Configuration page Affects Staff Who is on Leave
- Fixing the Attendance / Timesheet Submitting Errors
- How does lateness work in Attendance?
- For multiple clock in/out - Do we deduct the employee's break time in their working hours?
- How can we remove mobile app access to a user?