On/Offboarding Module


The On/Off Boarding module is a valuable tool to streamline and enhance the onboarding and offboarding experiences for new hires and resignees. The system will help automate many administrative tasks associated with tracking employee life cycle.


The first step in the journey would be to Configure and setup the On/Offboarding workflows and tasks based on your company policies. To do this, login as the administrator (or SuperAdmin) and follow the steps below: 

Step 1: From the main menu, go to On/OffBoarding > Configuration.

Step 2: Click Category. Select the tab you’re going to set up -  Onboarding or Offboarding. According to your company's onboarding and offboarding policies, there could be multiple sets of interconnected tasks, and the category within JustLogin is a way to retain that structure in the system. This categorization will facilitate the separation of task groups.


Step 3: Click offboarding2.png .

Step 4. Enter the required category details.

Category Name – you can be specific on how you name the category.


Description (optional) – describe what the category is for.


Step 5: Once a Category is created you would be able to add the related tasks under this category. Click jbflksjbf.png.

A page will pop-up, fill in the necessary details.


  • Task Name – name the specific task
  • Description – describe what the task is for. You can use preset tags
  • Task Owner(s) – select who you’re assigning this task to, whether this is for all or selected employees
  • Due Date – set when this task is due by,  whether on the Join Date or a specific date, or not applicable
  • Send Reminders – if you prefer to receive a reminder email, x days before the due date, soon after task is created, or on due date
  • Attachments – if you’re attaching a document for reference

Click Save, or Save & New to save task and create a new one.

Step 6: There is a set of icons to the right for the list of actions available - Copy, View, Edit, and Delete Onboarding Task.


For any changes made, click the offboarding12.png button in the bottom of the page.  Should you no longer require a certain task, select and click offboarding13.png to remove it.


You can add as many categories and tasks as required and that would complete the setup portion.


This will give you easy access to the different sections in the module, all in one place.


Initiate Onboarding for new hires

This is where you can assign the specific on/offboarding tasks by employee.


Step 1: Filter the date for system to retrieve the employee data based on the join and cessation dates within the selected dates.

Step 2: Click offboarding16.png .

Step 3: Select the category to use. Take note that you will be able to assign multiple categories whichever apply to the employee.


The set of tasks (from Configuration) will be shown for the selected category (grouped by the category names).


To the right is a set of icons for the list of actions available - View, Edit, and Delete Task.


Step 4: If you want to add more tasks for this user, click offboarding19.png in the bottom.

NOTE: This does not affect the master categories/tasks in the Configuration and these new tasks are only for this specific employee.

Step 5: Click offboarding21.png for the system to start tracking the progress of the on/offboarding.

To Do List

This will show all pending tasks to be completed by you(assigned Admin). Click View to see the task details or View All Tasks in the bottom to see the whole list.


Company Tasks

This will show all ongoing on/offboarding tasks in your company. The progress bar will show the lists of tasks to complete. Click View to see the task details or View All Company Tasks in the bottom. 



To do – this will show your pending tasks to complete (specific assigned task owner), the same list from the To Do List in Dashboard.


Company Tasks

This is the same pending list from Dashboard, available to all admins across the company.


Click the 3 dots to the right of the task to View, Edit, and Delete specific task or All Assigned Task.



This will show you the tasks that you have completed.


Completing a task

Step 1: Find the task assigned to you. This may be under To Do or Company Tasks(admins). Click View.

NOTE: Completing a task is for the person assigned as "Task Owner(s)" in the task. They may not necessarily be module admins. 


Step 2: (Optional) If you want to send an email to the employee, key in your remarks in the comments section and click offboarding29.png .

Step 3: Click offboarding31.png to update the task status.

Once you have completed the set of tasks, the Dashboard will show the progress as completed.


This will also reflect in yout To Do list, with each task changed to the green check.


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