End-user Guide on Submitting Appraisals

Here are the steps on how to complete and submit the review forms in Appraisal module:

Step 1: Login to your Justlogin account.

Step 2: Click on module and select

Step 3: You will be redirected to the Review Cycle List page. By default you will be at the Reviews tab.

You should see the list of Reviews and below are the information you’ll see:

    1. Review for – The name of the employee you’re reviewing for
    2. Relationship – The relationship you have with the employee
    3. Review Cycle – The review period / review cycle name
    4. Due Date – Deadline for completing the review
    5. Status – Review status can be:
      • Yet to begin – this is the default status for new reviews assigned, which means you haven’t started answering the review form
      • Draft – this is the status if you have started answering the review form but there are remaining questions pending for answers
      • Completed – this is the status if you have completed and successfully submitted the review form
    6. Action – Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to fill in or edit your review responses

Step 4: Now, click on the pencil icon to fill in your response

Step 5: You will be redirected to the page where you can see Review questions, and where you can select or enter your answers. 

The questions will be shown accordingly per category and below are the parts of the page:

    1. Due date of the Review
    2. The employee you are reviewing and rating for
    3. Review Category
    4. Question
    5. Detailed description of the question
    6. Choose your rating from the scale
    7. Where you can write any remarks

Step 6: Now, select your answer for all the questions, write a comment (if needed), and click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the next Review Category. Repeat the same steps for the rest of the Review Categories. 

*You can also click on the ‘Save as Draft’ button, if you want to continue answering for later.

There may be questions where you need to type in your answers freely, instead of selecting a rating scale. See example below:

*Note: Make sure to answer all the questions on the form.

Step 7: After answering all the review questions, click on the ‘Submit’ button to send your responses.

Step 8: You should see a green confirmation message “Updated successfully”, and a pop-up message below, click on the ‘OK’ button.

Step 9: Then, you will be redirected to the Review cycle list page again.

Note: If the review status is marked as 'Draft,' it indicates there are unanswered questions. Please review the form and ensure all questions are answered before submitting

If the pencil icon is enabled, it means it allows you to edit your response. Clicking the pencil icon will take you to the same page where you can see the Review questions again, and you can change your answers (if needed), and re-submit the form.

Step 10: After completing and re-submitting the form, it will take you back to the Review Cycle List page, and you will notice that the review form has been removed.

Now, to see the completed Forms, click on the ‘Preset Filters’ dropdown, and select ‘All Accessible

You should see all the Review forms that you’ve filled out. In 'Preset Filters' dropdown, you can also select other options – ‘Completed’, ‘Draft’ and ‘Yet To Begin’.

*Note: If the Status is Completed, it means your Review responses have been submitted successfully.

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