If your company is using the SafeClock Device and it is connected to your office’s door access, the guide below will show you how to manage the door access via JustLogin’s mobile app.
Step 1: Log in to your JustLogin account via the web as the SafeClock administrator
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Click on tab at the top
Step 5: Scroll down and look for Add Additional Device section:
Note: You should be able to see your company’s SafeClock device details in this portion. If not, please reach out to your onboarding specialist.
Step 6: Click on
Step 7: To assign a Door Admin, click on the field on the Door Admin column and then choose the name of the door admin you want to assign. You can assign multiple names as door admin. Door Admins will be able to allow visitors to enter the office using the mobile app.
Step 8: Once you have assigned the door admins, please click onto save the changes.
Step 9: After doing so, you can ask the door admin to log into their JustLogin mobile app.
Step 10: After logging in, click on the icon from the home screen
Step 11: Door Admin should be able to see the door access icon: (The icon should show a few minutes after assigning the door admin, alternatively, close and open the app again)
For more information on configuring and managing your SafeClock Device, please refer to this link: