SafeClock - Administration and Configuration Guide


SafeClock features contactless clocking, with options for a temperature scanner and door access, depending on the device type ordered. It is fully integrated with the Attendance module for seamless employee attendance tracking.

Assign Reference Photo

The administrator will need to assign reference photos for each user by following the steps below.

NOTE: If Mask Detection setting is on, it is recommended to upload at least 1 photo with mask on for the system to be able to accurately identify the users.

Step 1: Log in to the account.

Step 2: From the main menu, click  SafeClock.


Step 3: Go to sfdjnbdlk.png.

Step 4: Look for the sdifgnjsdfg.png tab at the top.

Step 5: You will see the page similar to below:


Step 6: Click on themceclip5.pngicon. This will allow you to choose a file saved in your computer.

Step 7: Once you have successfully uploaded the image/s, it will update on the left side:


Step 8: The images on the right portion are photos that were taken from the device itself and can also be used as the profile image, if preferred. To do so, put a tick in the selected photo/s and click on the sdjkl_f_dlg.png button at the lower right area of the page.



Device Configuration

This page allows the admin to set different rules for the company down to visitors’ settings.

Step 1: Log in to the account.

Step 2: Click on safeclock.png.

Step 3: Go to sfdjnbdlk.png.

Step 4: Click on the fsijlbflskdjf.pngtab at the top. Each section on this page will be discussed below:

Company Settings – This shows the company name and an option to where the company logo can be uploaded.


To upload the company logo, please follow the steps below.

NOTE: Please make sure that you already have the company logo saved on your computer. The recommended size is 164x164 pixels, maximum of 15kb.

Step 1: Click on the box sgdghdhdh.png.

Step 2: Search for the company logo that you have saved.

Step 3: Once successfully uploaded, you should be able to see the company logo inside the field in Configuration and will reflect in the bottom portion of the device.

Device Settings – These are the different settings for the device you are using.


  1. Live Body Detection – if enabled, device will capture 'human' detection behavior
  2. Language - language preference
  3. LED light – if set as On, the Live Body Detection setting should also be turned on
  4. Work Hours – set the normal operational hours
  5. Motion Detect – allows the admin to identify how sensitive the device will be when a motion is detected (10 as highest)

Door Settings - allows admin to set a delay time (in seconds) of when the door will stay open. This is applicable when device comes with door access. 


Mask Recognition Settings – allows the admin to turn mask detection on or off. Setting to On will require the employee or visitor to wear a mask for facial recognition.


Face Recognition Settings


  1. Face Recognition Distance – this allows the device up to how far the device can recognize the face.
  2. Face Recognition interval – allows the device to recognize another face after a certain period (in seconds).
  3. Face Recognition Score – allows the device to do facial recognition with accuracy scores up to 80% from the reference photos set.
  4. Voice for successful recognition – allows admin to customize a voice to be broadcasted after the successful recognition.
  5. Display Text for successful recognition – aside from voice, this display text is an option to choose should you wish to display messages instead of broadcasting every successful face recognition.



Visitor Alert – allows the admin to set how the visitors are identified via the device. There are 3 options:

  • Strangers are not recognized – if this is chosen, the device will not capture any image and the door will not open.
  • Identify strangers, but they are not allowed to pass through – images will be captured through the device, but the door will not open.
  • Identify strangers and allow passage if body temperature is normal – there will be images captured and the door will open if the temperature is normal or below.

Visitor Recognition Level – allows the admin to set the level of how the device can recognize visitors (10 being the highest).

Voice for Visitors Alert – allows admin to customize a voice to be broadcasted upon visitor’s entrance.


Assigning Visitors Clock in/out records

You can also use the Visitors captured photos to assign them as a clocking record of the staff. 

If employees will use the Safeclock device for the first time, they will be identified but will be considered as Visitors. 

Here's how you can assign the photos:

Step 1: Go to Visitors tab. 


Step 2: Click on the Selector Icon. 


Step 3: You will see the Assign User window.


Step 4: Choose if this is a Clock IN or Clock OUT of the staff. 


Step 5: Choose the Employee from the Dropdown.


Step 6: Click on Assign Button. 


Step 7: Data will be recorded on the Safeclock Summary page. 



Temperature Settings

This is applicable if your device comes with temperature option.


1) Temperature reading

2) Temperature threshold – allows the admin to set the normal body temperature.

3) High-Temperature Alert – if set to ON, an alert will be triggered whenever someone clocks in/out with a high temperature (based on the temperature set)

4) High-Temperature Alert Voice - allows admin to customize a voice to be broadcasted if the visitor or employee has a temperature of more than the threshold. 

The bottom of the page shows the SafeClock device details assigned to your company. To assign a Door Admin, please refer to this link: 


SafeClock Summary - This will show the captured employee clock details for the day, with the temperature(if applicable). 


Visitors – If the person is not recognized as a user, the image will be displayed under the Visitors tab.


Door Access Log - this is where you can keep track of who among the door admins have opened the door to visitors.


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