Approving Expense Reports


This guide will cover how approving officers or processing officers can approve Expense Reports via the JustExpense mobile app as well as the web.


Step 1: Log in to JustExpense Mobile App. 

Step 2: Click on the mceclip0.pngicon from the home screen.

Step 3: You will see the page below. Click on the item that you need to approve. 


Step 4: You will then be brought to a screen wherein you can either Approve or Reject the submission: (approve and reject button in the lower portion of the app)



Step 1: Go to mceclip3.png

Step 2: Go to mceclip4.png

Step 3: Go to mceclip5.png

Step 4: You will see the page below:


Step 5: Click on the mceclip7.png icon to view the details of the report

Step 6: Once you have gone through the details, you will be able to click on either Approve or Reject:


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