Benefits shares the same mobile application app with JustExpense. This guide will show you how to install, login and use the different features found in the Individual app for JustBenefits module.
Installing Individual App
Step 1: Select Google Play on your handphone or Apple App store.
Step 2: Type in ‘JustExpense’ and click on search
Step 3: Download the JustExpense Mobile Application:
Step 4: Login to the app by keying in your Company ID, Username and Password
Step 5: Once logged in, you will be taken to the homepage. To go to Benefits, click on the Benefits icon on the bottom of the screen.
This will bring you to the Benefit History page on the app.
Benefit Claims Submission
How to Submit Benefit Claim
Step 1: To submit a new Benefit Claim, click on the + Icon on the Benefits History page.
This will bring you to the Benefits Claim Form where you will be able to update the Fields.
Step 2: On the claim form, select the Benefit Category first. Select the year the claim is for and choose which category you would like to claim under.
Step 3: Select the Benefit Type.
Step 4: Select the Date of Claim.
Step 5: Enter the amount you are claiming for.
Step 6: Enter a description of what you are claiming for.
Step 7: Click on ‘Add Attachment’ to upload your file or photo of receipt. You will be able to select from 3 options:
- Select Photo - from your phone Gallery
- Open Camera - to capture a photo of your physical receipt
Open File - to select a file/document from your phone
Step 8: If you have more than 1 attachments, you may click on the + icon to upload more.
Step 9: Once the form has been completed, click on the button.
Upon successful submission, a message ‘Your Claim is successfully submitted’ will appear to confirm action. Click ‘OK’ to close the message.
How to view history of submitted Benefit Claims
To check back on all your submitted benefit claims, you may go to the Benefit History page by clicking on the Benefits icon on the main menu on the bottom of the app.
The Benefit History page will show you a summary of all your previously submitted claims under the various categories and the amount submitted for as well. You will also be able to see the status of the submitted claim, whether it's pending for approval or has been approved or rejected.
How to view Category and Details of Benefit Entitlements
To view all the benefits categories that you are entitled to, click on the “⋯ More” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the mobile app.
Then click on ‘My Benefits’.
Under ‘My Benefits' page, you would be able to see the benefits that you are entitled to. You may click on the benefit category to view the details of your entitlement.
You will be able to filter by year to see the details of the benefit entitlement for the selected year. You can also click on the claim benefit on this page as well to submit a claim.