Download Kiosk App
Open App Store/PlayStore and search for ”JustLogin Kiosk” click on the download button. Once the download is completed launch the kiosk App.
(*Note: The JustLogin Kiosk App has a blue bar at the top)
Sign in to Kiosk App
Step 1. The person to sign in for the kiosk app must be the Attendance Administrator or with Attendance Mobile App Administrator rights.
Step 2. When the kiosk app is launched on your iPad / Tablet / Mobile device, the following login screen will appear:
Step 3. To sign in, the administrator must input their company ID, username and password.
Step 4. Then click on the button.
Clock In/Out Via Kiosk App
Step 1. Once the administrator has successfully signed in to the app, the PIN screen will appear.
Step 2. Employees will be able to enter their Unique PIN number, then click on
Step 3. The facial recognition screen will then appear for clocking in or out. If no face is detected, the clock in/out buttons will remain greyed out and unavailable.
*Note: If the detected face does not match the set-up profile picture, an email alert will be sent to the admin. However, the clock-in will still be recorded. Here's an example of the email alert:
**The PIN must be set up before staff can use this screen to clock in or out. If you haven't set up the PIN yet, please refer to this link for instructions: