Switch between JustLogin Apps via SSO Login

The "JustLogin App Access" menu, which enables you to switch to and launch the Individual app with the same login credentials, is always available. Even if you are not subscribed to any modules in the Individual app, the "JustLogin App Access" menu will still be displayed in the Expense app.

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In the Individual app, if you are subscribed to either the Benefit or Expense module, the "Claims" menu will be available. Clicking on the "Claims" menu will switch you to the Expense app and launch it.

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If you click on the More Menu button in the expense app, you will be automatically directed back to the Main App.

If the Individual app or Expense app is not installed on your device, and you attempt to log in using SSO from one app to another, you will be directed to the Google Play Store or App Store to install the app that is not on your device.

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