A bank file is a digital document generated in the Payroll module to ensure accurate transferring of the employees’ payment details to their preferred bank account. We have added a new bank file format for Public Bank – ECP Text File Format.
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Then, click on the tab at the top.
Step 4: Select Originating Bank as Public Bank Berhad. There are 2 options available for the bank submission format. Select Public Bank ECP Text File Format.
Step 5: Complete all the details relevant to your company's bank account information.
NOTE: The required details could vary depending on the selected bank.
Transaction Type: Select IBG for Interbank GIRO or REN for Rentas.
Effective Transfer Date: Key in the transfer date for the payout.
Month: select the payroll month accordingly.
Pay Period: allows you to select which payrun period to generate for - All, Monthly or Adhoc.
Payrun Date:
Payrun Date (Individual) allows you to select one individual record by date and time.
Payrun Date (Multiple) allows you to choose multiple records by date and time.
Step 6: Click or .
Step 7: Scroll to the bottom of the page to check the status. Under the Bank File column, click Download to save the file in your computer.
Step 8: To initiate the actual payment transfer, login to your bank portal and upload the saved file.