Recruitment Reports

Reports for recruitment are vital for tracking the hiring process. These reports provide insights into the effectiveness of the recruitment process, the quality of candidates, and the overall performance of the recruitment team. By analyzing these reports, organizations can make informed decisions to improve their recruitment processes, reduce time-to-hire, and ultimately, hire the best talent.

In the recruitment module, there are two reports available: the Candidate Funnel Report and the Stage Movement Report. These reports serve as the basis for evaluating how well a job opening is being managed.

Candidate Funnel Report

The Candidate Funnel Report provides a comprehensive view of all the stages of a job opening and lists all the candidates who have gone through the hiring lifecycle. The insights from this report are represented in a funnel shape because as candidates progress through the stages, the number of candidates decreases, mirroring the narrowing down of potential hires in the recruitment process.

To access the Candidate Funnel Report, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Picture1sbfgkdjfnbg.png then bvsbfks;jbfd.png.

Step 2: Click on kjbskjfbsfd.png button.


Step 3: Click on Candidate Funnel Report.


Step 4: Select the job opening for which you want to view the Candidate Funnel Report.


Step 5: This page displays the Active Status workflow, providing an overview of the total number of candidates for the opening, the number of candidates who were initially interviewed, the number who progressed to the Final Review stage, and those who reached the stage of generating an offer letter.


If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll find an overview of the stages in this job opening. This overview includes the total number of candidates, as well as the number of candidates who were scheduled for an interview, placed on hold, declined, rejected, hired, and those who are still in progress.


Stage Movement Report

The Stage Movement Report is the second report available. This report provides insights into how long a job opening has been open and the duration each of the hiring stages has remained open. This information allows you to review the efficiency of the hiring process and identify areas for improvement.

To access the Stage Movement Report, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Picture1sbfgkdjfnbg.png then bvsbfks;jbfd.png.

Step 2: Click on kjbskjfbsfd.png button.


Step 3: Click on Stage Movement.


Step 4: The Stage Movement Report displays the time spent in each stage in days. A bar line represents the job opening, with each stage depicted in a different colour. This visual representation allows you to easily see how long the opening remained in each stage.


If you hover over the bar in the Stage Movement Report, it will display the total number of days the job opening remained in that particular stage, indicating the total duration worked for that stage.


If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll find a summary of the current openings. This summary includes the total time spent in all stages and the total time spent in each individual stage, providing a comprehensive overview of the recruitment process for all openings.


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