How to change OT Rate different from MOM’s Standard Formula

Step 1: Log in to the account.

Step 2: Go to PAYROLL.png .

Step 3: Click on configuration.png .

Step 4: Under payroll_2.png tab, click on the ot_rates.png sub-tab. 

Step 5: On the OT Hourly rate field, you can change the standard formula or key in a fixed amount. 


NOTE: If you need to change the OT Hourly Rate on an employee level, make sure the box 'Display in Pay Information and Process OT' is ticked.

Step 6: Click on update.png to save.


How to update the OT Hourly Rate by employee:

Step 1: Go to PAYROLL.png .

Step 2: Click on admin.png .

Step 3: Under employee_pay_details.png , look for the name of the staff and click the pencil_icon.png .

Step 4: On the update_pay_info.png page, scroll down a bit to see the Working Hours and OT section.

By default, the OT Formula from Configuration will reflect. If the specific employee follows a different formula or rate, update accordingly.


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