Appendix 8A needs to be completed if your employees were provided with benefits-in-kind. For Appendix 8B, please complete this if your employees derived gains or profits from Employee Stock Option (ESOP) Plans or other forms of Employee Share Ownership (ESOW) plans. This article will show you how to complete each of these forms.
To fill out Appendix 8A form:
Step 1: Log in to your account
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: From the main menu, go to .
Step 4: See the blue button to the right - Other Forms.
Click to select Appendix 8A/8B from the dropdown.
Step 5: You will be taken to this page. Find the employee and click the name.
Step 6: You will be brought to this page:
Appendix 8A is divided into 4 parts. The 1st two parts are related to the place of residence provided to the staff:
- Input the address of residence provided to the staff in this field:
- Indicate the dates the residence was occupied in this field:
- Once you have input the dates, you will notice that this field will be automatically populated:
- Input the number of employees sharing in the residence:
2nd part
- Type in the Annual Value of the property in this field:
- Click on the “calculate” button and the field next to it will be populated based on the formula provided by IRAS
- Choose whether the place of residence provided to the staff is either Fully or Partially furnished and then, click on the “calculate” button. The box next to the calculate button will then be filled in
- If there are any other monetary expenses paid for by the company related to the staff’s stay in the residence (for example, utilities, driver, etc), please indicate in the appropriate fields. Do not forget to click on the “calculate” button accordingly.
The 3rd part for Appendix 8A refers to any hotel accommodation provided to the staff. Please complete each field and do not forget to click on the “calculate” button:
The 4th part refers to any other benefits-in-kind (for example insurance, tutorials, car benefits, etc). Please complete the necessary fields.
Once done, please click on the “calculate” button at the lowest part of your screen. Check on the amounts indicated in the field next to the calculate button.
If you are fully satisfied with the information, please click on the button at the very bottom of the page to save the data.
You will only need to complete if you have provided two (2) different places of residence within the same financial year. If not, you need not complete it. If yes, the steps in completing Appendix 8A – Additional is the same as completing parts 1 and 2 on the main Appendix 8A page.
To fill out Appendix 8B (Stock Options) form:
Step 1: Click on
Step 2: You will see the 8B form that needs to be completed:
Please complete the fields as necessary:
- Company’s Registration/UEN Number
- Company’s Name
- Indicate if under ESOP or ESOW. If ESOP, please choose 1. If ESOW, choose 2.
- Date of Grant - the date when share ownership or stock option was provided to the staff
- The date of vesting is the date when the employee is eligible to exercise the option
- Exercise Price - the price at which the employee can purchase shares
- Open Market Value Per Share - is the value as of the date of exercise
- Number of shares acquired - please indicate the number
Step 3: Scroll down, click on the button
Step 4: Please check the amounts on the right side of the calculate button.
NOTE: You will need to do this for every stock option/share ownership that has been granted to the employee and you can utilize Appendix 8b-Additional page if you need more fields to complete.
Step 5: Once everything has been completed, scroll down to the very bottom of the page
Step 6: Click on the “calculate” button. Check the final amount indicated and then click on the “submit” button to save the data.