CPF One-Click Submission Through APEX (GovTech)

The Government Technology Agency (GovTech Singapore) recently launched a project in collaboration with CPF to provide a more convenient and safer way for employers to submit and pay CPF contributions.

API Exchange or APEX is a centralized data sharing platform within the government. This involves the use of secure APIs which can manage who can access the data and how this is shared. And JustLogin has collaborated to use these APIs in order to securely transfer the CPF data to the CPF board after the necessary authentication and authorization is done

The submission process follows the same steps as the normal CPF file generation, with the addition of some new sections (highlighted below) and the capability for direct submission.

The detailed guide to fill out the first 8 fields is available in the CPF file generation article here:



Payment Mode

- Select how you would like to make the CPF payment.

G – Direct Debit (through GIRO, contribution amount is deducted from company bank on the deduction date selected)

M – MEPS (MAS Electronic Payment System)

Deduction Date

- Set when you prefer the deduction to be executed on.

Note: If the submission is before 5:15pm(cutoff time), the deduction date must be 2 working days later. Otherwise, set it to 3 working days.

If the deduction date is missing but G-Debit payment Mode is selected, a pop-up window will be displayed to enter the Deduction Date.

1. Once all the required details have been filled out, click the CPFAPEX3.png button.

2. If the file generation is successful, the CPFAPEX17.png icon will appear in the Direct Submission column. 

When you’re ready to submit, click the icon to proceed.


A pop-up message will show to confirm submission. Click Submit to CPF. 


3. You will then be required to login to SingPass in order to authenticate the session.


4. Once logged in, select the corresponding UEN you are submitting for. 


5. An APEX permission page will appear. Click YES to provide consent for direct submission. 


Successful Submission

If submission is successful, you will get a confirmation message.


6. You will be taken back to the CPF page. You can click the CPFAPEX16.png icon under the Direct Submission column to view the submission details.  


7. Refer to the status column, which should show as Success. You can download a copy of the file by clicking the CPFAPEX18.png icon under Action. 


On the same page below is the CPF Submission Success Response Data.


The data displayed here are compiled responses from CPF Board.
* If status is a Success, this serves as an acknowdgement from CPF Board that the submission is successful.
* If status is a Fail, the failure details is also the same information as returned by the CPF Board.

Failed Submission

If for some reason the submission has failed, you will get this message instead. 


You will see a Fail status when viewing the CPF Submission details. 


Refer to the CPF Submission Error Response Data below, which will tell you which data or section is missing, or needs correction.


You may make the necessary updates, generate a new file, and try submitting again. 

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