Leave - Configuration - Company Settings - Other Policies

Other Policies allows administrators to decide on policies such as whether the staff can see each other calendars, the use of external calendar as well as the rounding policies.

Step 1: Click on leave.png

Step 2: Click on configuration.png

Step 3: Click on company_settings.png

Step 4: Scroll down and click on other_policies.png

Step 5: Put a tick whether you allow the staff to see the leave application details of their colleagues. Normally, we will not set this to Yes as they will see the leave entitlement of others


The leave system can pipe the approved leave to either Google Calendar or Outlook calendar if you wish the system to do so. To do that, enter the email address of the calendar as shown below


Leave Calendar Sharing Policy

Select the calendar sharing options


The first option is that everyone in the company can see their colleagues and their own calendars. The second calendar is limiting to only people within the same department can see each other calendars. The third option limits the user to see their own calendars only.

Round Up Leave Balance Display

Select the rounding policy for your company. The rounding policy is to help round up the leave balances which makes it easier to see as opposed to the leave in long decimal formats. 


If ticked, the system will not apply the rounding policy to other leave types such as Marriage/Maternity/Compassionate

Leave Email Notifications

Put a tick beside each option that you would like to enable for your system


1. Whether the Leave Administrator shall receive an email if the leave information of the user such as Entitlement or Balances has changed
2. If you want the employees to receive an email notification every time there is an adjustment made for them manually
3. Set the number of days the AO/RO will receive reminders of pending leave approvals that they have yet to approve. Note that the system will 1 reminder per day per applicant


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