Staff Clocked In/Out But is Still Receiving the Email Alert

  • The first thing that needs to be checked is if the staff was able to successfully clock in/out. To do so, please see the guide here.

Once you have verified that the staff has clocked in/out, please login to your account.

Step 1: Please go to mceclip0.png

Step 2: Click mceclip1.png

Step 3: At the mceclip2.png tab,

Please choose the date  Picture3.png

Step 4: Then click Picture4.png

Step 5: Look for the name of the staff and click on the mceclip3.pngicon, under the Action column

Step 6: Kindly check the Clock Time and Actual Date Time


Clock Time - is the actual time the Staff clocked in/out, this is the data that will show on the reports

Actual Date Time - is the time that the server received the data. It could happen that the actual time is different from the clock time. The major factor for the difference is the stability of the internet connection

Example: If your Standard Time for work is 10:40 AM and the Email Alert is sent out 5 minutes after, then you will receive the alert since the server received the data at 10:51 AM. But the Staff is not tagged as late since Clock In Time is at 10:39 AM.

If you have more questions just email us at


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