Attendance Module Definition


This document consists of a list of words relating to the Attendance module with its definitions.

Attendance / Timeclock – it is a module that assists companies to manage schedules, track hours of work, and OT of the employees.

Start time – the time to when the employee is scheduled to start working.

End time – the time to when the employee ends the schedule of work in a day.

Break time – the number of minutes or sometimes hours when the employee can take a break from the scheduled work. It is often called “lunch break”. This will be deducted from the hours worked.

Hours per day – the total number of hours the employee is scheduled to work per day.

Hours per half-day – the number of hours the employee is set to work if he/she is working on a half-day.

When on leave – this is a setting applicable for days when an employee is on leave. If this setting is enabled, the system will follow the hours based on the Roster’s Standard Hours.

Work on PH – this is for clocking reminder. If it is enabled, the system will send the clocking reminder on Public holiday if the employee who has a schedule on this day has no clock in/out.

Timezone – the uniform standard time that the system will follow for time tracking purposes.

End Time – it is an OT calculation method wherein OT is computed based on the Actual End Time minus Standard End Time.

Standard Time – it is an OT calculation method wherein OT is computed based on Actual Hours Worked per Day minus Standard Working Hours.

Weekly - it is an OT calculation method wherein the system follows the Actual Hours Worked per Calendar week. Whatever is the excess will be considered as OT hour/s.

OT Grace Period – this setting allows the admin to set a grace period when the OT will be displayed and taken into consideration. The system will only display the OT hours when the OT hours exceeds the grace period set.

OT Deductions – this setting allows the admin to define how many minutes are to be deducted from the employee’s hours worked for every hour of OT worked.

OT Rounding – this setting allows the admin to set a rounding policy for OT. Can be round up or down or simply choose not to enable this.

Public Holiday Policy – it is used by the system to identify if employees are required to work on Public Holiday that falls on a Working Day. It can be Treat as Working Day, Paid One Day, or Given Off in Lieu.

Late Grace Period – this allows the admin to define a grace period if the employee clocks in after the Standard Start Time. This is used for reporting purposes only. It does not affect the Attendance Record or Timesheet.

Late Rounding – this allows the admin to set a rounding policy for lateness. Can be round up or down or simply choose not to enable this.

Under Hours Grace Period – this option allows the admin to define a grace period if employee clocks out before their Standard End time. This is used for reporting purposes only. It does not affect the Attendance Record or Timesheet.

Under Hours Rounding – this option allows the admin to set a rounding policy for under hours.

Face Detection – This is used on the mobile app to show a red box to detect the face upon clocking in/out.

GPS – this is used on the mobile app to show the location of the user upon clocking in/out.

Geofencing – If this feature is enabled, will allow the system to send an email alert to attendance admins if the employee clocked in/out outside the parameters.

Split Shift – this setting allows the admin to assign 2 different shift timings to employees via the Roster page.

OT or Overtime – this is all work in excess of the normal hours of work excluding the break time.

Standard Working hours – the total number of hours each employee is required to work on a day.

Actual Hours Worked – the total number of hours worked including OT and break.

OT1 – any hours worked during Public Holiday

OT2 – any hours worked on a normal working day or off day.

OT3 – any hours worked during rest days.

Roster – in the system, it is a page where it shows the list of employees and their work schedules’ details. It is where the admin can manage all the schedules within the organization.

Shift Setup – it is a page where an admin can configure or set rules for a shift.

Shift Assignment – it is a page where an admin can assign different shifts created to each employee for a certain date.

Shift Allowance – it is a feature and a page in the system where an admin can assign an allowance to each employee to be transferred to payroll for payment processing. This is a feature-flagged item.

Attendance Record – it is a page in the system where an admin can view, amend, save, or approve the clock times, OT, lateness, and total hours worked.

Timesheet – it is the consolidated log of employees’ worked hours for the entire month or certain dates.

AVA or Attendance Verification Alert – this feature alerts the admins if there are clock in image discrepancies from the saved profile picture of the employee. This is done with the help of face recognition technology and sends an alert if the clock in/out image and the profile picture is less than 50% similar.

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