This compiled guide will show how to configure the Expense Module, as well as the system functionalities available to the Administrator. It will also explain what each section of the module can do.
Expense module is a mobile expense claim module that allows staff to put up their claims via the Expense app or through their login via the desktop.
Categories allow the company to define its list of expenses that the staff can file a claim for. This is also where you can link JustExpense to Payroll, by defining the pay element that is associated with a specific category.
New Category
The steps in creating a new category are as follows:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on .
Step 4: This screen will appear. Set accordingly.
Step 5: Click on to save the Category. Repeat steps to add more.
Edit Existing Category
You can edit the categories you have created by doing the following:
Step 1: Click on icon under the Action column of the category you wish to edit.
Step 2: The category setting will appear. Make the necessary changes.
Step 5: Click on the .
Delete Existing Category
You can delete any existing category you have created.
Note: Do not remove any categories that users have previously used as this will prevent you from extracting past records of that same category. You should only disable the category feature instead.
To delete the category, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on the icon at the Action column on the category you wish to remove.
Step 4: The system will prompt you to confirm the category deletion.
Step 5: Click on .
Step 6: The system will display this message when the category is successfully deleted.
Disabling/Enabling Existing Category
If you have a category that cannot be deleted as some employees had previously used them, you can disable this so that users will not see it in the drop-down options.
To disable a category, follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to .
Step 2: Click on the icon under the Actions column.
Step 4: The system will prompt you to confirm the disabling of the chosen category.
Step 5: Click on to proceed.
Step 6: The system will display this message when the category has been successfully disabled.
You can undo the disabling of the category should you decide to reuse the same exact category.
Step 1: Click on found at the Actions column.
Step 2: The system will prompt you to confirm the enabling of the chosen category.
Step 3: Click on to re-enable the category.
Step 4: The system will display the following message upon successful enabling of the category.
Mapping Categories for Reimbursement into the Payroll Module
You can reimburse approved expenses into the Payroll module by mapping each expense category to
the respective pay element on Payroll.
NOTE: Please make sure the pay elements you want to use are already created in Payroll.
Step 1: On the Categories page, put a tick into the option: Transfer to Payroll.
Step 2: In the category list below, click on the icon under the actions column.
Step 3: A pop-up window will appear. Set the pay element you want to map to the corresponding expense category.
NOTE: The dropdown options will only show the pay elements that are under the element type Reimbursement.
Step 4: Click to save your setting. Repeat steps for the other categories.
Currencies allow you to add in different currencies in which your staff might be using to file their expense claim. To configure the currencies, you can do the following:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: You can choose whether you want to use the online exchange rate, as well as whether you allow your staff to manually edit the exchange rate.
a. At the initial setup, you will be able to change the Base Currency field. Once an expense has been submitted or has been utilized, the based currency field cannot bechanged anymore.
b. The primary online currency exchange engine used is If the currency being used is not available in the primary currency exchange engine, the alternative is
c. You can allow users to edit the exchange rate if this portion is ticked.
Adding New Currencies
You can add new currency that fits your company requirement. To add new currency/currencies, simply do the following:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on .
Step 4: Select the currency you want to include.
Step 5: The system will automatically select the currency symbol for you.
Step 6: Click on .
Deleting Unused Currencies
You can remove any currencies that your company does not use. Note that the system will validate and will not allow you to delete if the currency has been used.
To delete, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on the at the end of the currency you wish to remove.
Step 4: The system will display a pop-up message to confirm deletion of the currency.
Step 5: Click on the button to confirm the deletion.
Step 6: The system will display the following message upon successful deleting the currency.
Expense fields customization allows the Administrator to set the preferred fields to use in the expense form. You can also set whether the fields should be mandatorily filled in by users or if it’s optional.
The steps to set up the fields are as follows:
Step 2: Go to .
Step 3: To select a preferred field, click on the pencil icon and add Expense Claims on the box. Click the green disc icon to Save.
To make the field mandatory, add Expense Claims on the provided box and save.
Other Preferences - If you would like approvers to be able to edit employee submitted claims, you can enable the option in this section. You will also have to option to notify the employee of any claims that were amended. The employee will receive an email notification with details of information that was amended.
Restrict Claim Submission - Tick this option if you would like to set a deadline for when employees can submit their claims. You can specify the number of days within which claims must be submitted, defining the validity period for the claims.
For employees using their own private cars or motorbikes, the Transport option allows them to submit a transport claim based on the distance traveled and the mileage rate configured in your account. To set up the Transport settings, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the Transport tab.
Step 2. Tick the box to enable the transport claim option.
Step 3: Select the default unit in this field, either Kilometer or Mile.
Note: Initially, you will be able to change from kilometer to mile and vice versa. But once the transport claim has been used(submitted) with the default unit set, you will no longer be able to change it.
Step 4: Indicate the default expense categories for the two different transport claims into these fields. Refer to your Configuration settings.
Step 5: You can choose to enable these options to allow users to edit the rate and distance.
NOTE: If any of these options are ticked, users will be able to overwrite the system-calculated rate and distance.
Step 6: Click to save yours settings.
Setting Mileage Rates
Step 7: Click at the bottom left of the page.
Step 8: A pop-up window will appear where you can indicate the start date, transport type, and rate.
- Start Date – default will show the current date. Adjust accordingly.
- Transport Type – set for either car or motorbike
- Rate - input the rate of the selected transport type, which the system will use for computation
JustExpense allows you to configure and add new tax requirements, as well as delete taxes that were created.
Add New Taxes
To add in a new tax, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on .
Step 4: Enter Tax Name at .
Step 5: Enter Tax Rate at .
Step 6: Click on to save tax.
Edit Tax Rate
If you made a mistake in keying in the name or the rate, you could easily edit the tax rate by following the steps:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on the at the tax rate that you wish to change.
Step 4: Click on the to save change.
Delete Tax Rates
You can delete Tax Rates that you will no longer require.
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: Click on the at the Actions column.
Step 4: The system will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the chosen rate.
Step 5: The system will display the following message upon the successful deletion of the rate.
The admin can now manage expenses by projects.
Create New Project
Step 1: Go to the Projects tab.
Step 2: Click on the upper right side of the screen.
Step 3: A pop-up window will appear. Fill in the necessary details.
Step 3: Click Save.
Edit/Disable/Re-enable Project
Once a project has been created, you can easily go in and modify the details.
Step 1: Click the relevant icon under the Actions column.
- edit
- disable/re-enable
- delete
Step 2: When you disable, re-enable or delete a project, a pop-up message will show. Click button to proceed.
NOTE: Projects can be enabled or disabled whether it has been associated with any submitted expenses or not. Any used project however, cannot be deleted.
Employee Setup
Expense Users
Step 1: Go to .
Step 2: Click on .
Step 3: You will see the page below:
Step 4: On the sub-tab, you can see the list of Expense users, their expense roles and if they can claim on behalf of others.
Step 5: If you would like an employee to be able to submit expense claims on behalf of another employee, click on the icon.
Step 6. You will then be able to add who the employee will be able to claim for from the dropdown menu "Claim for others". Multiple employees can be selected.
Step 7. Click on to confirm selection. This will direct you back to the main expense users page where you will be able to see the saved information.
More guides here:
- How to submit claims on behalf:
- How to submit claims on behalf via Mobile:
- How to set-up approval:
Assign Expense Users
Step 1: The sub-tab shows the list of staff who are assigned as Expense users.
Step 2: To assign a staff as an Expense user, put a tick under the Expense user column.
Role Setup
On the tab, this is where you can see a list of the roles available in your system. This is where you can see a brief description of each role, as well as the tasks that can be performed. You can also create new roles as per your company’s requirements.
Add New Role:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: You will be brought to this page:
➔ Input the Name of the new role
➔ Input a brief description
➔ Indicate the access that this role can have
- View All Reports
- Approve All Reports
- View All Reimbursement Reports
- Reimburse Reports
- Reimburse All Reports
Step 3: Once done click on .
This section allows users to view, create and submit expenses, as well as generate reports.
On the Approver’s end, this is where they can see the tasks that are pending their approval.
The Administrator on the other hand, can reimburse the expenses once approved and have it transferred into Payroll, when needed.
The claims section is divided into 4 parts as can be seen in the image below:
On the Tab, this is what you will see:
On the Tab:
Reports Tab – This is where users can view submitted reports and create a report to
compile all the different expenses into one. (This tab is available to all)
On the Tab.
Approvals Tab – This is where approving officers can view, approve, reject any pending
tasks. (This tab is only available to those assigned as the approver role). However, Expense
Administrator and Super Admin can access “All Company” to take action on behalf of the
staff’s Direct Approver.
On the Tab.
Reimbursements Tab – This is where the Expense Administrator can view approved reports
and reimburse accordingly – once reimbursed, the expense should show up on the payroll
module of JustLogin. (This is only available to the administrator)
To Reimburse an Expense Claim via Payroll:
Step 1: Put a tick beside the expenses you would like to push into the Payroll Module:
Step 2: Click on button in the lower right corner of your screen. Once done, the reimbursed expenses will appear in Payroll.
NOTE: You will be able to see it on Payroll>Payrun Dashboard>Process Claims.
Expense Reports
This section allows you to generate reports for the expenses submitted. There are two different kinds of reports that can be generated:
Expense Reports: Will show the details of the submitted report as well as the status. The search parameters can be based on a period of coverage and/or the status of the expense as well as filter based on a department.
Admin can also download a PDF copy of the
individual report submitted by clicking on the link under the column.
If the expense includes a photo and attachments, it will be included in the PDF copy of the report. The attachments can be accessed by clicking the link and there is an option to download the file once you opened it.
Expense Summary
Expense Summary Report: Will show the expenses incurred as well as the amounts of each,
based on the period of coverage indicated, category, employee name and/or status as well
as the department. This report can be downloaded on an excel file by clicking on the