Timeclock administrators can now view the Timesheet approval action history
Step 1: Login to your account
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Please click on tab at the top. You will see the page similar to the image below:
Step 5: Toggle to the Action History sub-tab, and you will be able to see the history of all the timesheet approvals
- The list of timesheets in this page will be pre-filtered by roles
***Timeclock administrators can see the records of all employees
***Timeclock group administrators can see only records of employees within their group
- The resulting list can be further filtered by date period and by status
- Additionally, if the company has Project/Location turned on, then that column will also appear dynamically in this list for easier reference.
- Finally, the "eye" icon in the action column allows the admin to view the specific timesheet.