Below is a list of different Attendance notifications that can be received by the Attendance Administrator and what triggers those notifications:
1) Notification for Employees who did not clock in/out
If the employee/s did not clock in/out, the administrator will receive a notification if this is configured on the account. To check if this notification is configured on the account, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Log in to the account
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Click on the tab at the top. You will see this page:
Note: If you want this to be enabled on your account, set up the minutes when you want the reminder to be sent out, indicate to whom you want the reminder to be sent (staff and/or admin). You will need to do this for both Clock in and Clock out reminders. Please do not forget to click on to save your settings. If you want this notification to be disabled, simply untick the options to send email reminders and click on the "Submit" button.
2) Reminder notification for a day that was set as Public Holiday
There are 3 different public holiday policies that you can set for each staff, and 2 of those can trigger a reminder notification to clock in/out:
A. Treat as Working Day
B. Paid One Day
3) Geofencing notification
If a staff clocked out of the geofencing area that you have set, a notification will be sent to the administrator.
On the staff's end, at the point of clocking in/out via the mobile app, they will see a pop-up window informing them that they are outside the geofence area:
On the administrator's end, an email notification similar to below will be sent:
4) Timesheet notification
Once the staff has submitted his timesheet, the Attendance Administrator can also receive a notification, depending on the reminder set up on the account. Specifically, if the "CC to admin" box is ticked:
To check if this enabled, follow steps 1-4 in #1. Toggle to the sub-tab and set up the parameters for each: The employee reminder, approving officer reminder, and processing officer reminder.