Integrating Xero to JustLogin's Payroll System

You can integrate Justlogin's Payroll system to your accounting software - Xero. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors associated with duplicate data entry or incorrect information. Data is also synchronized in real-time, ensuring that financial records and employee pay information are up-to-date and accurate.

The Payroll Administrator or Super Administrator can follow the integration steps below.

NOTE: Specific employee deductions like self-help group contributions are not included.


Step 1: Go to   .

Step 2: Click on xero2.png .

Step 3: Under Xero,  Toggle the slider to "on"  .


Step 4: Click on "Connect to Xero".


Step 5: A pop-up window will appear which will prompt you to login to your Xero account.


Step 6: Once logged in to Xero, you will be taken back to the JustLogin page. Click on "View Details".


Step 7: For the initial setup, we need to import first the available accounting codes from your Xero account. Click xero8.png for the system to retrieve the codes and click xero9.png .

Step 8: Map the pay elements from the system to the respective accounting codes in Xero. Once done with the mapping, click xero10.png to save. 


You can now start transferring your payroll data to your Xero account. Click xero9.png to the next step.

Step 10: Select which payroll month you're transferring for, including the required pay elements. Please note that you can only transfer pay elements from approved payruns. Step 11: Clicking  means only your selected pay elements will be transferred, while will be for all the pay elements displayed on the page.

NOTE: If you have setup cost centers, you may tick xero.png for the integration to include the cost centers. You may refer to this guide:

In Xero:

The generated bill can be seen under Accounts >> Purchases in Xero.


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