The Configuration page consists of settings such as how payslip should be sent to employees, AW computation, and currencies among others.
Step 1: Click on
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Click on the sub-tab under the General tab.
This is the page you will see:
Step 4: On Account Configuration, select the appropriate options for your system:
- Select whether you will allow your employees to update their own bank accounts.
- Select whether you wish to send PDF copies of the payslip via email to your staff upon the payrun approval and release. NOTE: Regardless if this is ticked or unticked, payslips will still be accessible to staff via the web (My Payslip) and via the JustLogin mobile app.
Guide on how to manually release payslip is here:
"Email from Address" is the email that will be used to send the payslip to the employees. Do not change this as your internal IT security system might block the sending of the payslip to the staff if changed.
Step 5: (Optional) You can change the currency if you wish to.
Step 6: The Proration Policy though cannot be changed and is used by the system to prorate the pay based on working days.
Step 7: (Optional) Fortnightly pay period is used by companies that pay their staff on a fortnightly basis. The company, through this setting, can indicate the percentage they wish to pay in the first interval and the second interval. The company can also state at which interval will the CPF be deducted.
Step 8: Should the payment date stated in the payrun is a Sunday or a Public setting, the Payrun Setting will reflect the payslip date as the day before or after based on this setting.
Step 9: (Optional) You can set a pay limit in which the system will flag out to you if any employee's pay exceeds a certain limit. Should any employees' pay exceed the stated limit, the system will not allow it to pass through when you click on the Approve All button. You may still approve the pay individually by getting into each of the payrun.
Step 10: Select which option you wish to use for calculating AW Ceiling.
Step 11: You might wish to consider enabling both options if you have 2 or more payroll administrators.
Step 12: Click on to save changes made.