Configuration - Payroll - AW/OW Opening

The AW/OW Opening Balance is an optional page for clients who just used Justlogin but does not wish to do a run of past months' payroll. 

The system would use the amount you stated in the settings below as a starting number so that once the staff hit the limits with subsequent payrun, the system will stop deducting CPF from the affected staff. 

Please note that any information input into the AW/OW Opening balance page will not be included in any reports. It will only be used as a basis for the system to calculate the appropriate AW/OW CPF deductions. It will, however, be included in the IR8A form.


Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png

Step 2: Select configuration.png 

Step 3: Click on payroll_2.png

Step 4: Click on aw_opening.png


Step 5: Select the month you have run or about to run the first pay run on Justlogin. 



Step 6: Enter the following information 

a. Last Yr Total OW Sub CPF = Last year gross Ordinary wage

b. YTD OW Sub CPF = Gross Ordinary wage from 1 Jan to the month before As at date.

c. YTD AW Sub CPF = Gross Additional wage from 1 Jan to the month before As at date

d. YTD Empyr CPF for OW= CPF Contribution of the company for OW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

e. YTD Empyee CPF for OW= CPF Contribution of the employee for OW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

f. YTD Empyr CPF for AW= CPF Contribution of the company for AW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

g. YTD Empyee CPF for AW= CPF Contribution of the employee for AW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

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