Process Pay - Payrun Summary - Release Payslip

If you have set the release of payslip to be manual, you will need to do the steps as described in this article.

NOTE: You can skip this step if you have selected the option to release the payslip immediately upon approval of the payrun or on a selected date after approval.

Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png .

Step 2: Click on process_pay.png .

Step 3: Click on the 3rd tab 233.png .


Step 4: (Optional) If you are paying someone by cheque, you can enter the Cheque No. on the column provided. Click on the 236.png to save the cheque number.

Step 5: To release the payslip to all the staff in the list, click on 238.png .

Alternatively, select the name/s you need the payslip to be released to, and click on the 237.png button. The staff should receive the payslip almost instantly. 


Resending the payslips to all or some of your staff can be done on the Payrun Summary page, as well. If you wish to do so, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: On the Payrun Summary page, please put a tick beside the name/names of the staff you wish to resend the payslips to:


Step 2: Click on either 239.png or 240.pngbutton.

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