How to Process Expense Claims

If your company is subscribed to JustLogin Expense, you can easily retrieve the reimbursed claims from Expense to Payroll, and process it as part of the staff's payrun for the month. 

Process Claim

To process a claim, do the following:

Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png .

Step 2: Click on admin.png .

Step 3: Click on process_claims.png and expense_claims.png .

You should see a list of the claims that were reimbursed from Expense. 


Step 4: You can refine the list based on month or status. 


Step 5: Select the claims you wish to approve and click the  app1.png or  app2.png.


Check Processed Claim

To check the processed claims, follow the steps:

Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png .

Step 2: Go to admin.png .

Step 3: Under employee_pay_details.png , find the staff you just approved the claims for and click on the pencil_icon.png icon. The processed claim should appear in the Additions column.


You may then process the payrun as per normal. 


First Step: Mapping the Pay Elements

Second Step: Reimburse Expense




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