Administration - Process Benefits

If your company subscribe to JustBenefit, you can import all the benefits claims from that to Payroll. To do that, we need to assume that the JustBenefit administrator had done the required transfer of the benefit claims to Payroll. 

Process Benefits

Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png

Step 2: Click on admin.png

Step 3: Click on pocess_benefits.png. You should see a list like the below.


Step 4: Select the record you wish to approve and click on approve.png button. You should see this message when the system has successfully approved the transfer



Check Approved Benefit Claims 

 You can do the following to verify that the Benefit claim had been successfully transferred.

Step 1: Click onPAYROLL.png

Step 2: Click on admin.png

 Step 3: Click on employee_pay_details.png

Step 4: Search for the staff and then click on pencil_icon.png icon. The claim should appear in the Additions column 



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