Administration - Process Bonus - Calculation

After you have done the setting, you can then proceed to use the setting you have saved to calculate the bonus for your staff.

Step 1: Click on PAYROLL.png

Step 2: Click on admin.png

Step 3: Click onprocess_bonus.png

Step 4: Click on the calculation.png tab

Step 5: Select the option of whether to add Bonus with other pay elements or to add Bonus as an individual pay element for processing.


Step 6: Select the year Picture11.png

Step 7: Click on calculate.png and the system will calculate the bonus based on the settings. Go through the calculation to ensure that the information is correct.


Step 8: Click on the transfer.png button if you wish to select to transfer the bonus for selected staff or transfer_all.png to transfer the bonus to all staff.


Check Bonus Transfer

You can check the bonus transfer by doing the following:

Step 1: Click onPAYROLL.png

Step 2: Click on admin.png

Step 3: Click on employee_pay_details.png 

Step 4: Go to the staff you wish to check to ensure that the bonus is being added and click on the pencil_icon.pngicon. You should see the Bonus (Sys) in the Additions column.







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