After you can start a payrun, the system will automatically bring you to the Payrun Progress. Alternatively, you may perform the following steps to access the Payrun Progress as well:
Step 1: Click on
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Click on the Pie Chart
Step 4: The system will automatically bring you to the Payrun Progress page.
Step 5: Click the number at the Pending Approval column
Step 6: You can click on the icon to see each individual staff payrun or you may click on the button to approve without going through the staff payrun.
Step 7: If you select the the system will show you the payrun of the staff you have selected. You can choose to delete the payrun, to approve, reject or to approve and go to the next staff.
Step 8: Once the payrun has been approved, you will notice that the status will change from Blue (Pending) to Green (Approved)