How Can Approving and Processing Officers Approve OT Request

Once the staff has submitted the OT request, the Approving Officer followed by the Processing Officer would then need to approve the submission.



Step 1: Log in to your account.

Step 2: Click on mceclip1.png

Step 3: Click on mceclip2.png

Step 4: Click on mceclip3.png tab

Step 5: The Approving / Processing Officer will see this screen and either approve mceclip5.png or reject mceclip6.pngindividually or to approve all or reject all the OT requests.


Step 6: If the Approving / Processing Officer clicks on the Reject button, the following screen will appear.


*The pop-up window will have a Remarks field so that the Approving/Processing Officer can indicate why they are rejecting the request. The staff will receive a notification through email. 

Step 7: The approving officer can view the history of all the approvals or rejections made in the Action History page.


Mobile App

Step 1: Log in to the App and go to More Menu. 


Step 2: Click on Overtime Approval. 


Step 3: You will see the employees' requests for overtime that are awaiting your approval. There are two required levels of approval. The Approving Officer and the Processing Officer. 

Simply click on the request to approve it.


Step 4: Click on the Approve button. 


The system will show a notification to confirm that the Approval is successful.


You can view the history of approvals in the Approval Tab after it has been approved. Additionally, you can adjust the date range of the approvals you want to view.


Related Articles:

How Staff Request for OT

Transferring of OT Request to Leave Module

Verifying if the OT Request has been transferred to Leave

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