Administration - Entitlement & Details

The Entitlement & Details page allows you to set the employee leave details such as the workweek, leave grade, and whether the staff works on a PH. 

Note that this page will not show you the employees' leave balance. For that, you will need to separately use the Leave Balance Report.

The steps to using this page are:

Step 1: Click on leave.png .

Step 2: Click on admin.png .

Step 3: Click on entitlement_and_details.png .


Step 4: The Opening Balance column is based on the account's leave accrual policy in Configuration.

For earned leave policy - Daily or Monthly, opening balance must remain 0.

If you're following full entitlement policy - Calendar Year, Financial Year, or Employee Anniversary, the opening balance will take the full year's entitlement, or prorated computation for new joiners.

Please take note - Accounts created from 20 June 2022 onwards, system will take the entitlements based on the grade setup, which will be reflected in the Opening Balance. Column will be grayed out and not editable.

Step 5: If you have created more than 1 work week in Configuration, you can assign the staff to which work week they follow to allow them to submit leaves on assigned working days. 

Step 6: If you configure your leave to have grades based on different entitlements, you can select the leave grades accordingly so each of the staff will have the correct number of leaves allocated to them. 

Step 6: If the staff is required to work on Public Holidays, you need to tick the box under the Working on PH column. This would ensure that staff would be able to take leave even on a Public Holiday. By default, this section is unticked for all users, taking Public Holiday as a non-working day.

Step 7: Click on update.png to save changes.

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