How to reactivate a deactivated employee

To reactivate the employee, the steps are:

Step 1: Click on your name and you will see a drop-down menu.


Step 2: Select user_admin.png. You will, by default, be brought to the Employee Details page.

Step 3: Click on the deactiavted_employees.png. You will see a list of deactivated employees.


Step 4: To reactivate the employee, there are two methods:

a. Select the employee concerned and go to the end of the row and click on the checkmaark.png


b. Select several employees by checking their names and then click on reactivate.png

Step 5: The system will display this message.  


Step 6: Click on the reactivate.png button. Once done, the employees will be delisted here and placed back to the Activated Employees tab.


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