Custom Notification Guide


This feature allows the admin to create a notification to be sent to employees or admins within the organization via email. If you are interested to have this feature enabled on your account, please contact

Once this feature is added to your company’s account, you may access this feature by following the steps below:

Step 1: Go to settings.png

Step 2: When you click on Settings, you will see mceclip1.pngClick on it and you will be brought to this page:


To add a new notification, click on 104.png this will allow you to start creating your own notification details, when it is being sent, and who will receive it.


Title – the name or header of the notification.

Send to – allows you to choose who do you want the emails to be sent to. If you choose “Specific Users”, it will open a new field allowing you to choose the users.


When to send an email – it will give you an option if you wish the emails to be sent based on the criteria or date types: Confirmation Date, Termination Date or Joined date, and the actual time it will be delivered.


Another option under this field is the delivery of the email based on the number of days/week/months before or after the date type chosen at a specific time.


Customization – it is where you put the subject of the email and the body or content which can be formatted accordingly.


Insert tag into subject/body – allows you to view and choose identifiers that will be included in the content of the email notification.


By clicking on the 111.png button, the notification setup will be added as an active reminder and will show on the Reminder setup page.


On the same page, you can use 113.png to locate the reminder you wish to check or update.

Also, the 115.pngfield allows you to show reminders that are either active or deactivated notifications.

Should you wish to update the content or settings of the reminder, simply click on the 116.png icon

If the reminder is no longer of use, you can click on 117.png and the below confirmation message will show should you wish to continue the action or not. Once a reminder is deleted, you can no longer retrieve it.


However, if you only want to deactivate the email notification, simply click on 119.pngand will stay under Deactivated Notifications. If in any case, you would need the reminder to be active again, you can click on the same button and this will be shown under Active Notifications.



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