Once logged in to the account, all users will now be directed to the Home tab, where you can find the General Dashboard.
The Dashboard provides users quick access to important links, allows users to share their thoughts for the day, and provides insight on who’s celebrating milestones or birthdays within the company. As an added enhancement, users will now have access to the other modules without leaving the general dashboard. Below are the different parts of the Dashboard and what can be done or seen on each.
Clock In/Out - You can now clock-in or clock-out from this page. This section has a similar interface from the dashboard in Attendance module itself. It displays the most recent clock-in or clock-out record, the current date and time, remarks, and client/location/project option when enabled from Configuration.
Accumulated Hours - This will show the total hours you have worked and any OTs incurred for the month.
Upcoming Shift - This will show the next shift based on the roster assignment.
Upcoming Leave - This will show any upcoming leaves that you have applied. It will indicate the leave type, leave date, and the duration, whether it's full or half day. (An Apply Leave button is also available for you to easily submit a new leave application.)
Upcoming Public Holiday - Any upcoming public holidays based on your work location willl be highlighted in this section. This will show the name of the PH and the date itself.
Celebrations – You will be able to view who amongst your colleagues are celebrating their work anniversaries or birthdays for the current month.
NOTE: Celebrations is shared to all users in the company.
If you click on , a pop-up window will come up with a complete list of anniversary and birthday celebrants for the month.
Company Links – You can add links to this section for quick access to sites and pages that you regularly need for work.
NOTE: Company Links is on a user level, and not shared to anyone in the company.
To add a link:
Step 1: Click on
Step 2: A pop-up window will appear:
Step 3: Enter the Name of the Website into this field:
Step 4: Copy and then paste the link/URL of the website into this field:
Step 5: Click on .
*To access the website you have added, just click on the name.
e.g. Salesforce Dashboard has been added:
To edit the website name or the link:
Step 1: Click on .
Step 2: From the pop-up window, click on the link you wish to edit: (e.g. Salesforce Dashboard)
Step 3: Once you click on it, the fields for the name of the website and URL will be enabled for modifications.
Step 4: Click on to save the changes made.
New Hires – Newly-hired employees will be displayed in this section.
NOTE: New Hires is shared to all users in the company.
Happiness – You can click on either or the
to indicate your happiness level for each day. The percentage is based on all clicks within the company, and is shared to everyone.
NOTE: Happiness is shared to all users in the company.
Share your thoughts – Enter your thoughts and share it to your organization! This is shared to all users, so please remember to “Think before you click!”
NOTE: Share your thoughts is shared to all users in the company.
Expense To Do List
Reimbursement Claims - With this widget, you may view the reimbursement expense reports that require action.
Expense Reports - You can view here the expense reports which are pending approval
Unsubmitted Reports - You can view your own reports here that haven't been submitted yet.
Expense Claims - This widget shows the total number of claims that you have created but still have not associated into any reports
Expense Report Summary - This panel specifically gives details regarding the total number of expense reports.
Recent Expense Report - The last three expense reports you submitted are shown in this panel. When you click the "See More" option, you'll be directed to the "Expense Reports History list screen."