This is a compilation of all the video on how to add new users in Justlogin. This guide will show you 4 Aspects which are Basic Details, Leave Details, Pay Details and Attendance Details.
Note that you will only see the module/modules to which your company had subscribed to. So for example, if you only subscribed to Leave, you should only see the Leave details but not the Payroll and Attendance.
1. The first video is the Basic Detail in which you will learn how to access the New User tab and then the required details that you must provide when creating a new user.
2. If your company subscribed to the Leave module, you should see the following video to learn how to set up the leave for the new user.
3. If your company subscribed to the Payroll module, you should see the following video to learn how to set up the pay details for the new user.
4. If your company subscribed to the Attendance module, you should see the following video to learn how to set up the clocking details for the new user.
If your preference is to read instead of watching the video, you may access the PDF version at this link.