How to enable notification for the submission of hard copy of the documents?


If your organization requires the employees to submit hard copies of documents in applying for certain leave types. follow the instructions below.


Step 1: Go to leave.png

Step 2: Click on configuration.png

Step 3: Click on leave_typess.png

Step 4: On the leave types page, select the type of leave that you require to have a hard copy of the document then click on the name of the leave type

Step 5: You will be routed to the Add/edit leave type page showing the particular leave's settings. Make sure to put a tick mark beside the option "Requires Submission of hardcopy documents". Click on save.png



  • After the user submits the leave application and approved by admin, the user will receive an email notification to submit the hard copy of the document
  • Once admin receives the hard copy of the document, the admin needs to indicate in the system that they have received the document.

Step 1: Go to leave.png

Step 2: Click on admin.png

Step 3: Click on leave_actions.png

Step 4: Go to process_documents.png

You will see this page:


Step 5: Put a tick mark under “Document” and click 141.png



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