The IR56B form needs to be submitted to IRD and this can be generated within JustLogin. IR56B generated in your JustLogin system contains your employees approved payrun in the system as well as the taxes paid. To generate, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Log in to the account
Step 2: Click on
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Look for the tab at the top. This is the page where the IR56 form can be generated and used for submission.
Step 5: On the Tax Year field, this will show the Year of Assessment by default.
Step 6: On the Form/Export Type section, please choose the appropriate form you would like to generate:
- IR56B Form – this is a PDF copy of the IR56B form that can be released to the employees so they will have a copy of their tax document (To release the IR56B Form, please scroll to the bottom of this page for the guide)
- IR56B Export (XML) – this is the file that you can generate for submission
Step 7: The ERN will already be filled out for you based on your company’s registration number in the system (This can be found on the Configuration page of the Payroll module)
Step 8: The Employee Selection Mode is where you can indicate how you want to choose the users who will be included in the file generation
- All active and deactivated employees for the selected tax year – this will include ALL employees who worked within the tax year.
- All current employees, plus any resigned/terminated employees from the listing box below – this option will allow you to choose who you would like to be included in the file generation from the list of active and deactivated employees. To do so, click on the icon and from the pop-up window, put a tick beside the name/s of the staff you would like to include, and click on
- All current employees excluding selected employees from the listing box below – you can choose this option if you are generating the file for most of your users except for a few. To do so, click on the icon and from the pop-up window, put a tick beside the name/s of the staff you would like to be excluded, and click on
- Include only the selected employees from the listing box below – this will allow you to filter those you want to be included in the file generation in the list of active employees. To do so, click on the icon and from the pop-up window, put a tick beside the name/s of the staff you would like to be included, and click on
Step 9: The field for the Name of Employer is greyed out and will automatically be filled in based on the information in the Configuration page of the Payroll module
Step 10: For the next two fields, Name of Authorised Person and Designation, please input the name and designation of the person authorized to generate the file. Ideally, this should be the same person submitting the BIR56A
Step 11: The Batch Indicator will already be set to “original” as the default
Step 12: The Batch Date field, by default, will show the current date
Step 13: Once you have completed all the fields, click on thebutton.
Step 14: After clicking on the submit button, scroll down and you will see the file generated for you:
- To view the files that were successfully generated, click on the icon under the Action column. This is the page you will see next:
A. Click on the icon under the Export XML File column to download and save the file on your computer. Please note: Do not rename and do not open the file you have downloaded.
*After downloading, follow the steps on how to submit at the bottom of this article.
B. The icon under the Control List column will allow you to view the information included
in the file.
- If there are any errors in the file generation, click on the number under the Failed column, and the system will display the reason why the file generation for that employee failed:
You can then make the necessary modifications for that particular staff and generate another IR56B XML file.
How to utilise e-filling service for IR56B submission via Online Mode:
***Logging in using eTax account is required
To Release the IR56B Forms to your employees:
*Please follow steps 1-14 above. In step 6, make sure you generate the IR56B Form.
After doing the steps, this is what you will see:
Click on the icon to view the details and you will see the next page:
Put a tick beside the names of the employees that you want to release the IR56B form to and then click on or
You can also individually download the IR56B Forms by clicking on the icon on the right-most column.