Singapore Payroll Configuration and Administration Guide


JustLogin’s Payroll module will help you compute your employees' salary more efficiently. This guide will show you how to completely set-up your payroll system before fully utilizing its functions.


General – Company Details

The first thing that needs to be done is to setup the Company Details.

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

The first page you see will be the Company Details, found in the General tab.


Step 3: Enter the Company Registration Number. This is the ACRA UEN registration number.

Step 4: Enter the Tax Reference Number. This number is the same as the Company Registration Number but is used for IRAS for tax purposes.

Step 5: Enter the Primary CPF Number. The number should look like "Unique Entity Number (UEN) + CPF Payment Code = xxxxxxxxxx-PTE-01. 

Step 6: Enter your company address Address 1. The address is the one that you used to register the company. Note that there is a 30 characters limit. Anything beyond that, kindly put them in Address 2.

Step 7: (Optional) Enter Address 2.

Step 8: Type Singapore for City, State and Country. You must fill up these 3 fields.


Step 9: Select one contact person. This person must be a Justlogin user and preferably be one that is aware of the payroll and tax information as this person might be contacted by the bank, CPF or IRAs. 

Step 10: Enter the email address of the contact person.

Step 11: Enter the contact number of the contact person.


Step 12: Click on .


General - Configuration

The Configuration page consists of settings such as how payslip should be sent to employees, AW computation, and currencies among others.

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Click on sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on the jdhdjdjd.png sub-tab under the General tab.

This is the page you will see:


Step 4: On Account Configuration, select the appropriate options for your system:


  • Select if you allow your employees to update their own bank accounts.
  • Select if you wish to send PDF copies of the payslip via email to your staff upon the payrun approval and release. NOTE: Regardless if this is ticked or unticked, payslips will still be accessible to staff via the web (My Payslip) and via the JustLogin mobile app.

Refer to guide on how to manually release payslip here: How to Release Payslip.


"Email from Address" is the email that will be used to send the payslip to the employees. Do not change this as your internal IT security system might block the sending of the payslip to the staff if changed.

Step 5: (Optional) You can change the currency if you wish to.


Step 6: The Proration Policy though cannot be changed and is used by the system to prorate the pay based on working days.


Step 7: (Optional) Fortnightly pay period is used by companies that pay their staff on a fortnightly basis. The company, through this setting, can indicate the percentage they wish to pay in the first interval and the second interval. The company can also state at which interval will the CPF be deducted.


Step 8: If the payment date in the payrun falls on a Sunday or a public holiday, the Payrun Setting will adjust the payslip date to either the day before or the day after, depending on the chosen setting.


Step 9: (Optional) You can set a pay limit in the system, which will flag any employee's pay that exceeds this limit. If an employee's pay goes over the specified amount, the system will prevent it from being approved when you click the "Approve All" button. However, you can still approve the pay manually by reviewing each payrun individually.


Step 10: Please select the option you prefer for calculating the AW (Annual Wage) Ceiling.

Step 11: You might wish to consider enabling both options if you have 2 or more payroll administrators. 


Step 12: if you require an additional layer of approval for payruns (meaning 1 person who processes the payrun and a second person to approve) you can set who the final person will be approving by selecting employee name in the dropdown option.

*Note that this only works for the new payroll journey. Refer to the Guide here:

Step 13: Click on kdsjfnvv.png to save changes made.

General - Cost Center

Please follow the instruction below to create Cost Center.

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Click on sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on the kdnvnsjf.png sub-tab under the General tab.


Step 4: Input Cost center code and Cost center description into box.


Step 5: Click  button to save it.


To assign Staff to Cost Center

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Click on kdnchfyrnf.png.:

Step 3: Find the staff and click on the The following page will appear.

Step 4: Click on view_details.png.

Step 5: You should see a Cost Centre field when you scroll down all the way. 


Step 6: Select the Cost Centre Code for this staff.

Step 7: Click on the  mceclip0.png.


General - Cost Center Import

When there are many Cost Centers, you can import template with Cost Center as below.

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Click on sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on the kdnvnsjf.png sub-tab under the General tab.

Step 4: Click on "import Cost center" button, then click on "download template".


Step 5: Download template and fill in cost center data for import. There are 3 fields which you need to fill in.

  • User ID (mandatory) - the user's login name
  • Cost Center Code (mandatory)
  • Cost Center Description (mandatory)

Step 6: After input all the information and save the template, drop the template sheet into upload file box, click import button to save it.


After submitting, you will see the mapping page (refer to screenshot below).


Step 7: Click "Next" to finish importing. If your import file is correct, you should see the following message for indicating that the import is successful.


If the template has errors, you will see this screen.  Click on "get the error file" to retrieve error file so you can find out where the errors are.


Do the correction and then click on "import again".


General - GL Account Code Setup

GL Account codes can be used if you are using accounting software, that can help to keep track of the expenses, reimbursements, or cash on hand.

Step 1: Login into your account.

Step 2: Go to rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 3: Click on sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 4: From the configuration page, look for the m_vnbngjghtuy.png tab at the top and click on it.

Step 5: Lastly, click on ncbvhfgryt.png sub-tab.

Step 6: For each respective "Element Name", assign a 'Debit Account Code' and a corresponding 'Credit Account Code'.


Step 7: After completing the information, scroll down and click on the  mvnbjghryu.png button to save the changes.


General – Salary Increment

JustLogin Payroll includes the salary increment to assist management in keeping track of the reasons the staff are given pay increment. 

The system provides commonly used Salary Increments, but should you need other reasons, you can set these up by following the steps below: 

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Click on sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on the mahdbcjd.png sub-tab under the General tab.

This is the page you will see:


Step 4: Enter the remark at bottom and click "Add" button to save it.



Payroll - Work Calendar

The Work Calendar is important as the work calendar is the one that the system will use to pro-rate the pay when a person first joins the company or when the person resign. The number of days should be the same as the employment contract signed between the employer and employees.


To set the Work Calendar, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png.

Step 4: Click on the  to edit the Normal Work Calendar.


Step 5: (Optional) If you have more than one work calendar, click on the sdfdeeeeeeeee.png and change the date accordingly. Change the date accordingly. After you have made the changes, click on  to save.

NOTE: You can create up to 10 alternative work calendars. Additionally, if you are subscribed to the Leave module and has created different work week calendars there, you can opt to put a tick on nnnnnzcxjs.png


Payroll - OT Rates

The OT Rates page allow you to specify whether OT field should be enabled and if yes, what are the OT rates like.

To set up the OT page, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png.

Step 4: Click on ot_raters.png.


Step 5: At the OT Hourly Rate, indicate the OT Hour Rate formula you wish to use. Check with MOM of the formula that your company should comply with.


Step 6: Check this if your company is paying OT. Without enabling this, you will not have the fields required to put in the OT hours.


Step 7: Enable this option if you have part-timers that work on an hourly rate basis. 


Step 8: Select this option to limit Overtime hours to 72 hours. Any Overtime beyond this limit will be credited to the chosen pay element. 


After the data is transferred to payroll, you need to update it by navigating to Payroll >> Administration >> Process OT tab >> Process OT sub-tab.

Step 9: Change the formula to BasicPay (which is the hourly rate paid to the staff indicated in the Basic Pay field).


Step 10: Ensure that the rate for the Actual Hr is changed to 1 instead of 0. The 1 is the multiplier in this case. So if the staff worked 100 hours, the system will calculate 100 hours x $10 an hour x 1 = $1000.


Step 11: Indicates the rate for the OT. Note that the rate here is in compliance with MOM for staff that are earning less than SGD$2600. 


Step 12: If this option is checked, you cannot change the rate.

Step 13: Click on mvnbjghryu.png to save.


Payroll - Pay Elements

You can define all your company's pay elements in the Pay Elements page in Configuration. Pay elements are itemized components, which make up the breakdown of amounts you're paying or deducting from the staff that would make up their monthly salary.

Add Pay Elements 

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png.

Step 4: Click on pay_elemenets.png.

Step 5: Scroll down and click on  pay_ememenet.png.

Step 6: Provide a unique pay element ID. You can use the same pay element name, but no spaces or special characters.


Step 7: Enter an Element Name. Try to be descriptive and clear as this is the name that the staff will see in their payslips.


Step 8: Select whether this pay element is going to be an allowance, deduction or reimbursement. An allowance is essentially a sum of money paid to the staff to cover service or certain allotment, reimbursement is a sum paid to cover the money that was spent, and deduction for any amount to be deducted from the employee.


Step 9: You can put an amount or formula here. For example, you are giving a fixed $100 allowance to all employees, then you can put in 100. Otherwise, leave it 0 and indicate the varying amounts in the individual employee's pay information page.


Step 10: You can set an amount limit if you wish to. This limit will flag out the pay record if this pay element exceeded the amount or percentage specified by you. 


Step 11: Important - For any pay element under Allowance, it is important to indicate the correct tax code to ensure that all wages will reflect in the employee's IR8A form.


Step 12: Specify whether the pay element needs to be prorated, if it is CPF/SDL Payable, or if it a Benefits-in-Kind type. Click the tooltip for details.


Step 13: Select which type of wage (Ordinary Wage or Additional Wage) this pay element falls under.


Step 14: Choose the frequency of this pay element. There are 4 choices here.


a. Fortnightly - to follow user's pay period, if payrun is processed every 2 weeks. Select whether to process this pay element in the first or second interval, or both. 

b. Monthly - the default setting, if payrun is processed on a monthly basis. This pay element will remian active every month.

c. One Time - if you're using the pay element only once. After the payrun has been processed, the pay element will automatically become inactive.

d. Inactive  - will not be included in the payrun.


Step 14: (Optional) The Recurring field allows you to specify the recurring months that this pay element will be used.


Step 15: Click on  to save the pay element.


Payroll - Payslip Format

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png.

Step 4: Click on payslip_format.png.


Step 5: Select the payslip form of your choice by clicking on the respective  icon. To see a preview of the payslip format, you can click on  to see a preview of the payslip.


Step 6: The system allows you to upload your company's logo. To upload the logo, you need to have a picture that is within 300x300 pixel in size. Click on the Click here to upload.

Once successfully uploaded, you should see your company's logo appearing in the place where you upload the file.


Step 7: Click on mceclip0.png the button.


Payroll - AW/OW Opening

The AW/OW Opening Balance is an optional page for clients who just used Justlogin but does not wish to do a run of past months' payroll. 

The system would use the amount you stated in the settings below as a starting number so that once the staff hit the limits with subsequent payrun, the system will stop deducting CPF from the affected staff. 


*NOTE: Any information entered into the AW/OW Opening balance page will not be included in any reports. If you have already processed payroll and paid CPF contributions through another system, that data won't be in JustLogin. To account for these contributions, you'll need to input the amounts you have already paid into the system. This will allow JustLogin to accurately calculate the remaining AW/OW CPF deductions for the rest of the year. This will also be included in the IR8A form. 

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Select sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png.

Step 4: Click on fdjksnvklds.png.


Step 5: Select the month you have run or are about to run the first pay run on Justlogin. 


Step 6: Enter the following information 

a. Last Yr Total OW Sub CPF = Last year gross Ordinary wage

b. YTD OW Sub CPF = Gross Ordinary wage from 1 Jan to the month before As at date.

c. YTD AW Sub CPF = Gross Additional wage from 1 Jan to the month before As at date

d. YTD Empyr CPF for OW= CPF Contribution of the company for OW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

e. YTD Empyee CPF for OW= CPF Contribution of the employee for OW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

f. YTD Empyr CPF for AW= CPF Contribution of the company for AW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.

g. YTD Empyee CPF for AW= CPF Contribution of the employee for AW from 1 Jan to the month before the As at date.


Payroll - Voluntary Contributions

The payroll admin can use the system to add in Voluntary contributions except CPF, CDAC, SDL, SINDA, ECF, and MBMF in the system to be included in the payrun. If you add a voluntary contribution, it will also show on the pay elements page on payroll. The difference between creating a pay element and adding voluntary contribution is that for voluntary contribution, you can indicate if the contribution is from the employee or the employer.


Step 1: Head over to rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Choose sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on pajdcbndjdf.png tab at the top.

Step 4: Choose jsbcbdnf.pngsub-tab. This is where the admin can create a voluntary contribution.

Step 5: Complete the Element ID, Element Name, and choose whether it is an Employee or Employer Contribution.


Step 6: Click on addddd.png.


Users – Module Users

The Module Users will display the list of payroll users that have been enabled to use the Payroll module.

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Go to sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on asfsdfsdfgsd.png tab at the top.

Step 4: Click on hjdfslnbfldsk.png below the Users tab.

Step 5: Those with the tick in the tick box are assigned as Payroll users. Those without a tick are those not able to access the payroll module.



Users – User Profile

The payroll module has the option to assign someone as a Payroll admin for a certain group and limit what they can or cannot access within the system.


Step 1: Log in to the account.

Step 2: Head over to rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 3: Proceed to sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 4: Look for the asfsdfsdfgsd.png tab at the top.

Step 5: Click on mdbflsnbfdslkfn.png.

Step 6: Click on sldjkfbsjkd.png to create a new profile.

Step 7: Type in the Profile Name and Profile Description.


Step 8: Under Administration, Process Pay, Reports, the admin has an option to allow this profile to be able to view only by clicking on the box, and leave the rest unchecked.  The image below highlights the column wherein you can put a tick on the different options that the profile can "view" (NOTE: You can tick any of the options that you would like this profile to access).


Step 9: Click on sifbsdfj.png.

Step 10: Next head on to the skjbfgdskfgbdg.png tab at the top.

Step 11: Create your payroll group/s if you haven’t done so on lsk_jfhbsdj.png.



Step 12: After creating the groups, assign the user profile and user group to each employee on sbfksjnfdsdkjfnd.png.


Step 13: Click on sifbsdfj.png to update the changes done.

When it comes to email notifications, though employees are assigned to the role you created, will not receive any notification for any changes made to bank details and salary information. Only the module admin (payroll admin) will be able to receive these notifications.


Group Access

Group Access is useful if your company requires different administrators for different groups of users.

Setting up Group Access

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Go to sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on sifgusjfbsd.png tab.

Step 4: Click on lsdbfslkfnsdfg.png under the Group Access tab.

Step 5: Click on idndfmjsbfkf.png.

Step 6: Enter the Group Code.


Step 7: Enter the Group Name.


Step 8: Choose the name/s of the staff to be assigned to this group by putting a tick beside the name/s.


Step 9: Click on sifbsdfj.png.


Assigning Group Administrators

To assign the group administrators for the group created, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on rygfdgdfg.png.

Step 2: Go to sdrgdfgdfc.png.

Step 3: Click on sifgusjfbsd.png tab.

Step 4: Go to sfdhbskjfnbdf.png.

Step 5: You will be brought to this page.


Step 6: Select the employee whom you wish to assign the profile to in this field:


Step 7: Select the profile you wish to assign at:


Step 8: Enter the user group that this staff can see at:


Step 9: Click on sifbsdfj.png.




The Payroll module helps you to compute the salary of your staff. In this document, we will run through the process of doing a payrun to generate the salary of your staff.

We will also cover other aspects such as how to generate bank and CPF files and how to release the payslip to the staff.


Administration - Employees Pay Details

Employee Pay Details will show you your employees' pay information. This is also the page that allows you to mass edit the pay elements or to use a template to upload pay elements.


Employee Pay Details

Step 1: Click on fhfhfghfghf.png.

Step 2: Click on sdgdfgdgdgfh.png.

Step 3: You will see your staff’s employee pay details.


Step 4: You can configure your staff’s pay details by clicking the small pencil icon under the Actions tab.

Step 5: You will be taken to this page where you can update your staff’s pay information. This is also where you can add/remove/enable/disable pay elements from the staff's pay information.


Step 6: You can enter information or small notes under the Remarks Box if you wish to.


Note: Remarks on Payslip was previously limited to 100 characters only but has been enhanced to 300 characters.

Step 7: Click on the button for any changes made.


 To assign a Different Work Week for the staff

Step 1: Click on dfhfdhfbcvbc.png.

Step 2: Scroll down and look for Work Week field. Click on the dropdown arrow and choose the appropriate work week for the staff.


Step 3: Click on when done. 


To add Pay Elements under the Additions or Deductions columns


Step 1: Click on the highlighted areas in the image above, choose the pay element you want to add, then please do not forget to click on the “Add” button.


Step 2: You can also use the Mass Edit Pay Elements Option. Which can be found on the Employees Pay Detail page:


Step 2A: Click on _.sdbf_mf.png.

Step 2B: Click on it one more time to show all the pay elements available in your system. This will bring you a page similar to the image below: 


Step 2C: Input the values that you need to add under the appropriate pay elements for each user. The system will automatically save the data for you. 

Step 3: Another option is to import pay elements, which can also be found on the Employees Pay Details page.

Step 3A: From the Employees Pay Details page, scroll down and click on dfsghdfgdfg.png.

Step 3B: Click on sdgfdvcxv.png.

Step 3C: You will be getting an Excel file with the list of users in your system, all the pay elements available and remarks column wherein you can put the individual payslip remarks.

Step 3D: Complete the template with the necessary information, then save.

Step 3E: Drop the file into this field: dxfhfhfghgf.png.

Step 3F: Click on the button.

Step 3G: Once you click on the Import button, your page will change to the “mapping” function. Please double check the mapping of your data to avoid any errors in the import process.


Step 3H: Once you have verified the mapping of data, click on .

Step 3I: Confirm the import process by clicking on YES.


Step 3J: After importing, you can check on the details of your staff. All information included on the template will appear on each staff’s pay information.


Administration - Process Leave Items

Process No Pay Leave

Step 1: Click on fhfhfghfghf.png.

Step 2: Click on sdgdfgdgdgfh.png.

Step 3: Click on "Process Leave Items" then go to "Process No Pay Leave" tab.


Step 4: Search the appropriate month for the No Pay Leave.


You should see this screen with a small write out of the key elements you would want to focus on.


Step 5: To include the No Pay Leave as a deduction in the staffs' pay, click on the .

You should see this message appearing.


Step 6: Click on dhdfhgdfg.png

tab at the top and look for the staff that you have added the No Pay Leave Pay Element. Click on .

You should see the No Pay Leave at the side of Deduction.



Process Leave Encashment

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on "Process Leave Items" then go to "Process Leave Encashment" tab.


Step 4: Select the year. Picture2.png


Step 5: Click on the icon to proceed. You should see the below message. Click on .


Step 6: To check whether the Leave Encashment has been successfully transferred, click on Picture5.png tab at the top. Look for the staff that you added the leave encashment. Click on the icon.  You should see Leave Encashment Added in the Additions portion.



Administration - Process OT

After you had done the Pending OT, you can make the required amendment (if you wish) in the Process OT tab.

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on Picture7.png.

Step 4: Click on Picture8.png. The following page would appear.


Step 5: Update the OT time accordingly, then click on Picture10.png or Picture11.png.

Step 6: To check that the OT data is transferred correctly to the employee, click on Picture5.png.

Step 7: Select the staff that you had done the OT transfer and click on the . Scroll down and you should see the Working hours and OT.


Step 8: Click on and the system will show you this message.


Step 9: You should see that the OT will be added to the Additions column.


Administration - Process Claims

If your company subscribed to JustLogin eClaim (eForm), you can pull the claim information from eForm to Payroll and place those claims as part of the staff pay once the claims are reimbursed by the claim administrator.

To process claim, do the following:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on Picture15.png.

Step 4: Click on Picture16.png.

You should see a list of claims the claim administrator had proceeded.


Step 4: You can refine the list based on months or based on status. Picture18.png

Step 5: Select those claims you wish to approve Picture19.png or click Picture20.png to approve all pending claims without selecting.


Check Processed Claim

You can check the system had successfully transferred the process claims to the staff by doing the following:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on pay_details.png.

Step 4: Find the staff that you did the claim transfer on and then click on the icon. Check whether the transferred claim appears in the Additions column.



Administration - Process Benefits

If your company subscribe to JustBenefit, you can import all the benefits claims from that to Payroll. To do that, we need to assume that the JustBenefit administrator had done the required transfer of the benefit claims to Payroll. 

Process Benefits

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on dfsdfsdf.png. You should see a list like the below.


Step 4: Select the record you wish to approve and click on afdsfsdf.png button. You should see this message when the system has successfully approved the transfer.


Check Approved Benefit Claims 

You can do the following to verify that the Benefit claim had been successfully transferred.

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on pay_details.png.

Step 4: Search for the staff and then click on  icon. The claim should appear in the Additions column.



Administration - Process Bonus - Calculation

After you have done the setting, you can then proceed to use the setting you have saved to calculate the bonus for your staff.


Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on klsuajfdlksadfbd.png.

Step 4: Click on the o_jdsf_kljfsfd.png tab.

Step 5: Select the option of whether to add Bonus with other pay elements or to add Bonus as an individual pay element for processing.


Step 6: Select the year sdkjfbs_lkjfgb.png.

Step 7: Click on _laifdns_lkdf.png and the system will calculate the bonus based on the settings. Go through the calculation to ensure that the information is correct.

Step 8: Click on the ksjdfslkbfds.png button if you wish to select to transfer the bonus for selected staff or sljfb_skfbsdf.png to transfer the bonus to all staff.


Check Bonus Transfer

You can check the bonus transfer by doing the following:

Step 1: Click on akjfbsdjkf.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on pay_details.png.

Step 4: Go to the staff you wish to check to ensure that the bonus is being added and click on the icon. You should see the Bonus (Sys) in the Additions column.



Administration - Process Bonus - Bonus Setting

You can use the Bonus Setting to set up bonus calculation formula and conditions.

To access this setting, do the following:

Step 1: Click on akjfbsdjkf.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on sibfslkjf.png.

Step 4: Select s_kdfhskdjfg.png tab. 

Step 5: Set the settings accordingly. See below for the explanation.



For proration to work for new hires:

Those hired within the current year must have a confirmation date and the confirmation date has to be earlier than the bonus processing month.

Step 6: Click on p__xsdnsl_knfdfs.png to save the setting.


Administration - Salary Progression

The Salary Progression is useful when you need to change the staff salary. This is also the page which you can see the salary progression history.

Note: It is important effective date is correct to have correct pro-rated amount. You can also review his portion to see why the amount was pro-rated too.


Adding/Changing Salary

To change the salary of the staff, do the following:

Step 1: Click on akjfbsdjkf.png.

Step 2: Click on admin.png.

Step 3: Click on lkfbs.dfg.png.

Step 4: The system will show you the staff list.


Step 5: Look for the staff you wish to update the pay and click on the .

Step 6: The following pop-up window will appear. Make the required changes.


Step 7: Click on sad_kfbdfj.png.



Administration - Exchange Rate

The exchange rate has to be manually input into the system. Additionally, the exchange rate will only do a calculation for the purpose of IRAS taxation. It does not convert the pay using the exchange rate that was input into the system.



Process Pay - New Payrun

The New Payrun page is where the payrun will be initiated in the system. You will need to complete the fields on this page before any payruns can be approved.

Step 1: Click on akjfbsdjkf.png.

Step 2: Click on al_ksfn_lkasdf.png. The system will automatically bring you to the akdsilfbdslikf.png page.

Step 3: Select the month you wish to do the payrun for.


NOTE: For clients who are doing a back payrun, please ensure that you process the payrun from the beginning of the year, approve, and then move on to the next month. Payruns that were not done and approved sequentially from January (or the start of the Financial Year) to the present month will affect the Year-to-Date data plus the accurate calculation of CPF deductions. 

Step 4: Select the Pay Period.


· Monthly - you can only do one monthly payrun, per month, per staff.

· Fortnightly - if you have staff who are getting paid on a fortnightly basis, choose this option. Another field will appear where you can indicate if it's the 1st or 2nd fortnightly interval:


· Adhoc - this can be used multiple times in a month. 

Step 5: Select whether you wish to do the payrun for all or for specific employees through this option.


· All current employees plus any resigned/terminated employees from the listing box below - this option will allow you to choose from a list of active and deactivated employees whom you would like to be included in the payrun.

· All current employees excluding selected employees from the listing box below - this will allow you to choose from a list of active employees whom you would like to be excluded from the payrun.

· Include only the selected employees from the listing box below - allows you to choose from a list of active employees who will be included in the payrun.

Once you have chosen one of the options above, click on the icon beside the box, and then choose the users accordingly.


NOTE: If you would like to do the payrun for a specific department, you can choose the 3rd option, click on the icon, and then from the pop-up box, type in the name of the department in the search field, so that all employees tagged to that department will appear and you can put a tick at the top-most box to choose all names.



Step 6: Select the option of how you wish to release the payslip.


· Manual Release - requires you to manually release the payslip before the employees can receive their payslips.

· Immediately after approval - once you approve the payrun, the system will automatically send out the payslip. Users will receive a push notification on their mobile apps that the payslip is available.

· Selected date after approval - you can pre-approve the pay but will not release the payslip until your specified release date.

Step 7: (Optional) The remark field allows you to enter a remark to which would appear in the payslip.


Step 8: By default, this field will display the whole month if you choose the monthly pay period.


Step 9:  Indicate whether the OT follows the Payroll Period. If not, uncheck the tick box and the system will ask you to define the date range for the OT period.


Step 10: Specify the payment date.


Step 11: To proceed with the payrun, click on proceed.png.


Approving Payrun in Payrun Progress

After you can start a payrun, the system will automatically bring you to the Payrun Progress. Alternatively, you may perform the following steps to access the Payrun Progress as well:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on dashboard.png.

Step 3: Click on the Pie Chart.


Step 4: The system will automatically bring you to the Payrun Progress page.


Step 5: Click the number at the Pending Approval column.


Step 6: You can click on the    icon to see each individual staff payrun or you may click on the  ijofbslkjdf.png button to approve without going through the staff payrun.

Step 7: If you select the  the system will show you the payrun of the staff you have selected. You can choose to delete the payrun, to approve, reject or to approve and go to the next staff.


Step 8: Once the payrun has been approved, you will notice that the status will change from Blue (Pending) to Green (Approved).



Deleting Payrun

Even after you have approved you will still be able to delete it. This is to ensure that you can modify if you make any mistake. See guide below:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on s.kjfbsk.df.png.

Step 3: Click on kfbskdf_sdakbsd.png.

Step 4: Click on the number at the Approved column. sdfgsdgdfgfgd.png

Step 5: You will see this page.


Step 6: Look for the staff whose pay you want to  delete the payrun and then click on the  to delete the payrun. 

Step 7: The system will prompt you are you sure of the deletion. Click on . The system will show you the number of records you deleted at the Rejected column.


Payrun Summary - Release Payslip

If you have set the release of payslip to be manual, you can follow the next steps in this section on how to release the payslip.

*NOTE: Skip this step if you have selected the option to release the payslip immediately upon approval of the payrun or on a selected date after approval.

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on s.kjfbsk.df.png.

Step 3: Click on the 3rd tab sofbs_fgbds.png.


Step 4: (Optional) If you are paying someone by cheque, you can enter the Cheque No. on the column provided. Click on the  to save the cheque number.

Step 5: To release the payslip to all the staff in the list, click on s_jfdbsdf.png.

Alternatively, select the name/s you need the payslip to be released to, and click on the s_lkfnsdfl.png button. The staff should receive the payslip almost instantly. 



Resending the payslips to all or some of your staff can be done on the Payrun Summary page, as well. If you wish to do so, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: On the Payrun Summary page, please put a tick beside the name/names of the staff you wish to resend the payslips to:


Step 2: Click on either slkhf_sbdfb.png or ofjgbds_fgjb.png button.


File Generation - CPF

You can use the File Generation CPF to generate the CPF file for submission after you've processed and approved the payrun.

To do that, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on filebnaojkbdsd.png. By default, you will automatically direct to the CPF page.

Step 3: Select the month which you wish to run the CPF at akljfdvsdkjsdf.png. The default is the current month.

Step 4: Enter the rest of the information required. Note that if you have GIRO arrangement, please ensure that you do not enter the amount at slkdfvlskjfb.png as this will result in a double deduction.

Step 5: Click on s_kjfgbvdk.png.

Step 6: Click on the 1.png to download the file.

Step 7: Login to CPF and then upload the file to CPF.


File Generation - Bank File

This article will show you how to generate a bank file. The bank file is a file to which you will provide your company's bank the instruction to transfer salary from your company's bank account to the staff.

The steps are:

Step 1: Click on payroll.png.

Step 2: Click on dashboard.png.

Step 3: You should see this page. Click on the kljfbdlfgbdg.png button as indicated below.


Step 4: Enter all the relevant information. Note that different banks would require different information. If unsure, kindly check with your company's bank.

Step 5: Click on s_kjfgbvdk.png to generate the bank file. You should see this message to inform you that the system has started generating the bank file, you can click on so_fgnd_lfgk.png and wait for the file to be generated.


Step 6: Once completed, you should see something like this.


Step 7: (Optional) If you wish to check all the amount and the staff's bank information, click on jklbs_lkdfbsdf.png. The system will display the staff names, their bank accounts and the amount that will be transferred to them.

Step 8: Click on  to download the file. NOTE: Please do not rename the file you have downloaded. It is also recommended that the downloaded file is not opened so as to avoid it from being accidentally modified.

Step 9: Login to your bank portal and upload this file to the bank.



Reports allow you to generate the reports in Payroll.

Generating Reports

The steps in using Reports are:

Step 1: Login as the payroll administrator.

Step 2: Click on payroll.png.

Step 3: Click on aofhs_ldfnd.png.

Step 4: Click on the name of the report that you want to run.


Step 5: Click on report and the system will start to generate the report.

Step 6: Click on  to print to PDF or click on the  to export the report to another format such as CSV or Excel.


Bookmark Reports

You can bookmark the reports that you need to use frequently. To do that, do the following: 

Step 1: Login as the payroll administrator.

Step 2: Click on payroll.png.

Step 3: Click on aofhs_ldfnd.png.

Step 4: At the report that you wish to bookmark, click on the . You will notice that that report will move all the way to the top and the  will change to .

Step 5: If you click on dashboard.png , you will see that the report will be placed in the Payroll Reports Section.


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