People Administration Guide


As the administrator of the People module, you will be able to manage your staff information by adding, removing or modifying existing data. Know more by going through the guide below:


Step 1: Login to the account.

Step 2: Click on mceclip0.png .

You will see options below: 


  • Info – Each staff will see their own information in this section. This is where user can update their own information (if allowed in the Configuration).
  • Employees – This is the company directory, where you can view the employee names and other information. Refer to the Company Directory Guide to setup visibility of employee information. 

Step 3: Click on mceclip2.png .

The page will have the names of the employees in your system: 


You can utilize the different filter options when searching for a department or a specific user:


Click on the underlined name to view the details of the staff. 

NOTE: Only the SuperAdmin and People Admins can see the names being underlined, which means access to the employee information. Direct Managers on the other hand, will only see the underlined names of the staff assigned under them


Once you click on the staff name, this is the next page you will see:


NOTE: Visibility/ability to edit controls in these pages are based on the access levels. Please refer to the Access Levels Guide.

You can toggle between widget and list view by clicking on the people2.png or people3.png buttons.

Example of Widget View:


Example of List View:


Deactivate/Reactivate User

When on Widget view(default), you can deactivate and reactivate the user by clicking the 3 dots on the right corner of the staff's profile. 


Then you will see the Deactivate option. Take note that the superadmin's account cannot be deactivated. When you attempt to deactivate the account, you will get a message odfhsfds.png.



When on List view, you can select single or multiple names and click the Deactivate or Reactivate button in the bottom right side of the screen. 


See the other options under More Actions:


Add User

You can add new user profiles by clicking on More Actions > Add User. It will bring you to this page where you can key in the new staff's details:



When enabled, this is where the People Admin can approve any information changes done by the employee. 


Refer to this guide to setup and learn more about Edit with Approval:

Bulk Import

This is where you can bulk-update your Employees' People details. You will be able to download the template, which you can complete and import:


Organization Chart

Click on mceclip5.png . This will give you a graphical representation of your organization's structure. Refer to the company directory guide for your Org Chart setting (see link in Step 2).



All personal information of the staff can be found here. Editing/modifying the data can also be done.

NOTE: There are several panels for each section. Each panel can be expanded or collapsed, depending on what you prefer, by clicking on mceclip11.png To edit the information, click on mceclip12.png Each portion will have its own edit button to accommodate the different access levels that are configured for People.


View of each panel when expanded: 

Personal Details: 


Other Details:


Education Details:


Certification Information:


Language Information:


Skills Information:



This is where you can indicate the employment history of the employee, and all other employee-related data like salary progression and designation, among others. Below image is the view of all the panels that are collapsed under Employment .

NOTE: Salary Progression can only be viewed if you are a Payroll Admin.

Expanded View of each panel under Employment

Designation History: 


Employment History:


Salary Progression: 


Other Information:



The training section allows you to add trainings offered by the company that the staff has attended/will attend. 


NOTE: When you want to add training for the staff, the information that you will find will be based on what has been configured.


The files section allows you to add files/documents that are related to the staff’s employment. To upload a file for a staff, create a folder first. Once a folder is created, that folder will be available on a company level – the file is only available on whoever it’s uploaded for.



Notes is where administrators can take running notes of the employees’ behavior and performance. Only People administrators and SuperAdmin can leave notes on the staff’s records. Depending on the configuration set, staff can view, edit, or not view the notes at all 


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